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The activities at University West will be characterised by openness, accessibility and contact with the surrounding community. The purpose of these rules of conduct is to ensure that everyone who stays at the university should feel safe and secure. By following the rules of conduct, we create a good working and study environment as well as the conditions for an open and inclusive university.

The rules of conduct apply to everyone who is in and directly adjacent to the university's premises.

Who is allowed on the university's premises?

The university's premises are primarily a study and workplace for students and employees. But here the public also has access to premises such as – student square, café, library, restaurant.

The public is welcome to use the student centre for a limited time in connection with their errand. The Student Centre is primarily a place for students and employees to meet and to study in peace and quiet.

The university's students also have access to student areas in the form of study landscapes/group rooms, computer rooms and student kitchenettes.

Only students who have been registered on the course intended for the teaching session are admitted to the premises of a teacher's teaching session. Students who are admitted but not registered on the programme have access subject to availability. Teachers may grant exceptions for the presence of a person other than a registered or admitted student at a teaching session for which the teacher is responsible.

Based on the university's security procedures, only employees can enter the university's office premises. If you want to meet any of the university's staff on any matter, then book a meeting with the person in question.

Members of the public or students who do not have the right to be in a room must leave the room at the request of an employee at the university.

Students and staff may not give a person access to a locked space without making sure that the person in question has the right to stay in the room in question.

At lectures and seminars that are announced as public, conferences and so-called Open House events, the public may have access to designated premises in addition to public premises.


Students and staff who are on the University's premises after 20:00 are obliged to be able to identify themselves at the request of staff at the University or by security personnel.

Children's presence

With regard to the staff's work environment and the students' teaching environment, it is not permitted for children to be in teaching rooms, examination rooms and premises with particularly sensitive equipment.

Teachers may grant exceptions for children's attendance at teaching sessions for which the teacher is responsible.

This prohibition does not apply to underage students who are admitted to University West.

General Rules of Conduct

For everyone's well-being and for everyone who stays on the university's premises to feel safe and secure, it is forbidden to:

  1. Litter or soil, damage or destroy the university's premises or property.

  2. Without permission, move or take furnishings or other property belonging to the university.

  3. Harass or act in a threatening manner towards other people.

  4. Behave in a way that is likely to cause annoyance to others within the meaning of Chapter 16. Section 16 of the Penal Code.

  5. Use equipment on wheels such as skateboards, bicycles, kickbikes, inline skates or similar. Exceptions are made for functional equipment such as wheelchairs.

  6. Consume alcoholic beverages, with the exception of beverages with an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 2.3 %, without a special authorisation.

  7. Possess, use, store, transfer, produce, acquire, procure or offer narcotics in the manner specified in Section 1 of the Narcotic Punishment Act (1968:64) and with the meaning of narcotics according to Section 8 of the same Act. People who are under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs must be turned away from the university's premises.

  8. Possess, use, store, transfer, produce, acquire for the purpose of transferring and offering doping substances in the manner specified in the Act (1991:1969) on the Prohibition of Certain Doping Substances and with the meaning of doping substances under Section 1 of the same Act.

  9. Smoking tobacco, e-cigarette or equivalent within the university premises. Smoking is only allowed outside a zone valid from eight meters outside the entrance doors.

  10. Use the university's premises for exclusively private use.

  11. Plug in household electrical appliances such as a kettle or coffee maker without a permanently installed timer.

  12. Candles are not allowed on the university's premises.

  13. Carry and house private pets with the exception of functional dogs such as guide dogs, narcotics dogs, resource dogs or similar.

  14. Overnight in the university's premises.

  15. Sleep in the public areas, such as student squares, cafés, libraries, restaurants.

  16. Stay for a longer period of time in the university's student square and thus occupy study space for the university's students.

University Library

In addition to what is stated in these rules of conduct, the general terms and conditions of borrowing and the library's own rules of conduct apply to the university library.

Sound recording, photography and filming etc. in connection with teaching situations

The main rule is that sound recording, photography, filming and similar recording of lectures, seminars and other teaching situations are not permitted.

Teaching teachers have the option of explicitly giving permission for sound recording, photography or filming at their own teaching sessions. The teacher also determines the conditions that must apply to the recording in the teaching situation in question, for example that only sound recording may take place.

A student with a disability, who is deemed by the university to need special aids in the form of sound recording, photography and/or filming of teaching sessions, has the right to make such recording. The student must notify this need well in advance of the teaching session and the recording may only be made by the student himself or herself through personal presence at the teaching session.

The fact that sound recording, photography and filming at a given time have been approved does not entail a right for the student or other person responsible for such recording to disseminate, make available or in any other way use the recording for other than their personal use.

These rules do not affect the right the university may have to record, photograph and film lectures and other teaching situations.


When assessing the consequences of violations of University West's rules of conduct, the principle of proportionality laid down in the Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900) must always be taken into account. The principle means that a measure must never go beyond what is necessary and may only be taken if the intended result is in reasonable proportion to the inconvenience that can be assumed to arise for the person against whom the measure is directed.

Students or members of the public who do not have the right to stay in a specially designated room may be asked by the university's employees to leave the premises with immediate effect. If the person does not comply with the request, security guards, or if the situation so requires, the police, can be called.

Students or members of the public who violate University West's rules of conduct may be asked by the university's employees to cease the prohibited activities and to leave the university or premises with immediate effect. If the person does not comply with the request, security guards, or if the situation so requires, the police, can be called.

Students have a far-reaching right to participate in teaching for which they are registered. A request to a student to leave a teaching session should therefore only be made in the event of a breach of the rules of conduct that means that teaching is disrupted or hindered. A request to leave a teaching session may only be made by the person responsible for the teaching session and entails a temporary exclusion from the session in question.

Disciplinary measures according to Chapter 10 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) can be taken against a student who violates the university's rules of conduct.

An employee who draws attention to or is made aware that another employee is violating University West's rules of conduct should inform the employee's immediate manager for handling in accordance with the University's current rules. Violation of the rules of conduct may give rise to disciplinary liability under the Public Employment Act (1994:260).

These rules of conduct apply from 16 November 2021.
