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In an exciting review article, Michael Notel et al show that the use of different media forms triggers the human ability to recreate what one experiences via another channel. For example, you paint pictures of what we hear when you listen to a podcast and in the same way we can "hear" the story we read. If a video is used, several senses are stimulated, which gives a positive reinforcement of the learning, not least when the video-based material is offered as part of the asynchronous learning where the student can control what and when the studies take place and at what pace.

As the video material is available asynchronously, it also gives the teacher the opportunity to process the material in a way that is not possible if the recording takes place at a synchronous meeting, which is important if you want to go further with your video-based learning objects. Above all, this is about removing irrelevant information and at the same time highlighting what is important.

The overview study Video Improves learning in Higher Education shows that there is a clear connection between higher study results and the use of video-based edited asynchronous material in teaching. However, the study clearly shows that the very best effect is achieved when combining online material with different forms of synchronous meetings with the students. (Noetel, M. et al. 2021)

In other words, the breadth of different forms of teaching and the way we distribute them are the key to success.


Read more in the article that you can find at the library.

Noetel, M. et al. (2021) 'Video Improves Learning in Higher Education: A Systematic Review', Review of Educational Research, 91(2), pp. 204–236.
Available at: (Accessed: 28 March 2022).
