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Graduation; Bachelor's programme

At the end of every semester there is a graduation ceremony for all bachelor programme students at University West. The ceremony is a festive ending of the time at University West. The graduation ceremonies is usually held in the end of the  semester, in the middle of January or in the beginning of June.
Graduation; Bachelor's programme

Graduation; Master's programme

Every year there is a graduation ceremony for students who has finished their master programmes at University West. The ceremony is filled with speeches and music and ends with a mingle with appetizers. The ceremony is usually held in the end of the spring semester, in the end of May or beginning of June.
Graduation; Master's programme

Academic Ceremony

Every other year University West celebrates academic festivities with an inauguration of full professors and conferment of PhDs. The next ceremony will be held in November, 2022.
Take a glimpse from the recent ceremony (October 2021) in the film below!


Akademisk högtid 2014 mingel i stråket

