Registration is now open - REGISTER HERE
See detailed programme here - FINAL PROGRAM
Exploiting suspensions or solution precursors for varied functional applications represents a new frontier in thermal spraying and has attracted significant global interest. Use of such liquid feedstock results in unique microstructural features, significantly different from conventional powder-derived coatings. This approach can be harnessed to develop coatings with diverse functionalities (thermal barrier, environment barrier, wear resistant, superhydrophobic, biocompatible, etc.) relevant to industries like aerospace, biomedicine, energy conversion, automotive etc. Recent developments in thermal spray equipment and feedstock have also mitigated early productivity concerns associated with the technique.
This event follows the success of the previous ‘Summer School on Suspension & Solution Thermal Spraying’ held in Trollhättan in 2016, bringing together people from both academia and industry. It will include lectures from experts covering all major aspects of liquid feedstock thermal spraying, ranging from fundamentals and process diagnostics to characterisation and applications. A demonstration of the versatile liquid feedstock plasma spraying equipment available at University West will also be included.
The school will be organised the day before start of the ASM Thermal Spray Society event Thermal Spray of Suspensions & Solutions Symposium + EBCs 2023 (TS4E 2023), which will take place on September 12–13, 2023 at University West, Sweden. The school will have very affordable registration fees starting at 1 000 SEK for students including one day on various topics related to suspension and solution thermal spraying and SPS demonstration, all meals part of the program, course material and course certificate.
Read the 2nd Summer School brochure - BROCHURE