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Campus Högskolan Väst

Campus at University West, Trollhättan. Photo: Joachim Nywall

‘It is of course gratifying, although I am not surprised. To collaborate with societal partners, in order to jointly produce new knowledge, has been with us already from the beginning’, says Martin Hellström, Vice-Chancellor of University West.

‘This proves that our collaboration works and when we co-produce in this way, the research can make a clearer and faster imprint in society‘, says Martin Hellström.

The top 25 list published yesterday shows which higher education institutions around the world produce the most scientific articles in close collaboration with companies and organizations. University West and Chalmers University of Technology are the only Swedish universities on this year's list of ‘Top 25 performing universities in co-publications with industrial partners’. The ranking is based on public information that each higher education institution provides.

‘This means a lot to us as a university. It is valuable to show our collaboration partners, as well as current and prospective students, how we perform in an international comparison’, says Gunnar Peterson, Senior Advisor Strategic Internationalization at University West.

U-Multirank produces ranking lists every year. In 2021, 1,948 higher education institutions in 97 countries participate. 45 of them are situated in Sweden. The survey is divided into several different categories, where co-production of scientific articles is one. The results form the basis for the site, where students, partners and societal actors can easily compare different universities based on different parameters.

‘This year's results show that University West is also well positioned when it comes to our efforts in teaching and research. Overall, we perform well‘, says Gunnar Peterson.

U-Multirank is the organisation that includes the most higher education institutions in its rankings. Corresponding rankings normally include 400–500 higher education institutions. This year, a total of nine Swedish universities are highlighted in the various categories, including the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers University of Technology and Stockholm School of Economics.

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