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ViLÄR is a research conference with the aim to exchange knowledge, research/development within higher education, work life or in between these area, with a special focus in work-integrated learning. The conference is a platform for communication and collaboration where we together create opportunities for interdisciplinary experience exchanges.

Every year, researchers, teachers, phd students, educational developers, decision makers and practitioners meet up in Sweden to discuss and debate educational issues.

In common we have an interest in work-integrated learning, based on the collaboration and integration between higher education and working life. Within this field of knowledge there are educational challenges stacking in various forms between higher education and working life.

We welcome contributions related to Work Integrated Learning, it can be research, good practice, evaluations and ideas for future development of WIL. 

Take the opportunity to network and meet people from all over the world with a special interest in WIL !

Your can choose to present in English, Swedish, Norwegian or Danish.

Please do not forget to mark your presentation with your name, organisation and your e-mail. The contribution should be written and submitted as a Word file. In subject write "Call for papers VILÄR 2021" and send to  A maximum of 300 words (exkl. references) 

Examples of areas to contribute to:

  • The organisation of WIL
  • Educational challenges with supervision and examination of the" practice/praxis dimension" of WIL
  • Progression in WIL
  • Educational models/designs for evaluation and quality assurance
  • Learning in the intersection of academia and work-life
  • Interprofessional learning


The conference is focusing on educational issues and research within WIL. The following criteria's will be applied in the review process:

  • Relevance for the conference
  • The potential of supporting the development of WIL (within and outside of the university)
  • Clear and transparent question and solid studies (or reasoning if not research paper)
  • Clear implications and reflective reasoning/argumentation

All contributions will be reviewed by two experts in the field.


Send in your abstract in a maximum of 300 words (exkl. references) in English, Swedish, Norwegian or Danish. Last date for call for abstracts extented time for submission of abstract til the 8th of November!

Please mark if your contribution is:

  • Oral presentation 30 minutes (20 minutes talk and 10 minutes to questions)
  • Interactive session 30 minutes (5-10 minutes introduction and 20-25 minutes in work-shop or dialogue with the audience)
  • Manuscript 30 minutes (25 minutes discussion with an opponent that read and discuss your manuscript, 5 minutes for questions)
  • Presentation in English, Swedish, Norwegian or Danish. 


The contributions will be grouped into the parallel sessions according to the theme and the wished session format. In some cases, the program committee can ask the participants to present their contribution in a different category then the initially wanted one. For registration, see below.


Your contribution can be held in English, Swedish, Norwegian or Danish. Do not forget to mark your presentation with your name, organisation and your e-mail. The contribution shall be submitted in a Word file and note maximum 300 words including references.

Under subject write: "Call for papers VILÄR 2021" and send to
