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This area focuses on students' learning and how higher education can be adapted to integrate working life. The research explores modern educational models and methods, including how theoretical knowledge can be combined with practical experience. It also includes various pedagogical approaches to promote the interaction between theory and practice.

The research aims to understand and improve learning processes by exploring the educational conditions and experiences that support students' learning. The focus is on methods and models for higher education, including how learning is organized and promoted with regard to quality and sustainability.

By integrating education and working life, the research contributes to promoting participation in various fields of activity and to fostering reflection and application of theoretical and practical knowledge before, during, and after education. This also includes the transition between education and working life and can be seen from a lifelong learning perspective.

Contact us!

Jan Gustafsson Nyckel

Jan Gustafsson Nyckel Professor

Ulrika Lundh Snis

Ulrika Lundh Snis Professor