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Louise Archer

Louise Archer Professor of Sociology of education, King´s College, London. Her research is in the sociology of education and education policy. Her interest lies in identities and inequalities of ‘race’, gender and social class within compulsory and post-compulsory education. For example, she has conducted research on Muslim pupils, the minority ethnic middle classes, British Chinese pupils, urban young people and schooling and on widening participation in higher education.

Thomas Johansson

Thomas Johansson has a PhD in Sociology and is a professor of Education in the Department of Education, Communication and Learning at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He has written extensively in the field of gender studies, the sociology of the family, and youth research. His latest book is: The global Gym. Gender, Health and pedagogies. Palgrave, with Jesper Andreasson, 2014.

Charlotta Löfgren-Mårtensson

Lotta Löfgren-Mårtenson, Professor field of Sexology. Director Centre for Sexology and Sexuality Studies Certified Specialist in Clinical Sexology. Research areas: Sexual health, Sex education for young people with intellectual disabilities, Sexual risk taking among young people in compulsory care, Sexologists as professionals, Love and sexuality on the Internet, Young people and pornography. Faculty of Health and Society, Malmö University, Sweden.

Chris Haywood

Chris Haywood is a Senior Lecturer, School of Arts and Cultures at Newcastle University. Chris main interests is on the men and masculinities. He is currently working on exploring how men negotiate different dating practices in the areas of speed dating, online dating and mobile romance. He is also involved in the cultural analysis of schooling and education. A key part of this work involves exploring the interplay between the institutionally-led discursive formation of identity categories and how those discourses are lived out. One areas of current concern is to think about how schools, gender their pupils through age, racial and sexual categories.

Kirsten Drotner

Kirsten Drotner dr.phil., is a professor and Chair of Media Studies at the University of Southern Denmark. Her research examines media audiences (past and present), media and information literacies and digital creativities. She has lectured and taught in more than 20 countries around the world, and she has been a research fellow and visiting professor in Australia, Canada, Norway, Sweden, UK and the USA.
