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Scientific commitTee


Sinikka Aapola-Kari, Adjunct, Finnish Youth Research Network, University of Helsinki

Sanna Aaltonen, Postdoctoral researcher, Finnish Youth Research Network, University of Helsinki


Airi-Alina Allaste, Professor of sociology, Tallinn University 


Signe Ravn, Lecturer, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne


Niels Ulrik Sörensen, The Danish Centre for Youth Research, Aalborg University


Katrine Fangen, Professor at University of Oslo and editor for Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research


Gestur Gudmundsson, Professor at the Iceland University of Education, Reykjavik


Åsa Bäckström, Senior lecturer, Postdoctoral research fellow, Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH

Oraganizing committee

Emma Sorbring, Professor of child and youth studies, University West

Thomas Johansson, Professor of education, Gothenburg university

Osa Lundberg, PhD student in pedagogic, Gothenburg university

Marcus Herz, PhD in social work, Malmö university

Jesper Andreasson, Ass. professor in sport science, Linnéuniversitetet

Margareta Bohlin, Ass. professor in psychology, University West

Kristian Danneback, Professor in social work, Gothenburg university


If you have questions about the conference please contact

Emma Sorbring, University West  
Thomas Johansson, Gothenburg University

If you have questions about registration, payment, accommodation, travel to Trollhättan please contact: 

If you have questions about summer school please contact

Margareta Bohlin, University West
Jesper Andreasson, Linnaeus University


Emma Sorbring

Emma Sorbring Professor Professor i barn- och ungdomsvetenskap