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How is the study done?

It is completely voluntary to answer the web survey and you can cancel your participation at any time without justifying why. All researchers in the research group follow the Swedish Research Council's ethical rules for research that involves people.

The benefit of the study is to fill knowledge gaps about exclusion and inclusion within Swedish universities and contribute to developing analyzes for inclusion in academic work. The results of the study will also be used locally to develop pedagogical / didactic methods for inclusion at University West.

What material is collected?

The purpose of the survey is not to collect information about individuals or events, but to see overall patterns.

The survey includes questions about gender, age, gender identity, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, inclusion and exclusion.

Your participation in the survey is of course completely voluntary, but it is important for the quality and reliability of the survey that as many as possible answer the study. You do not need to state who you are anywhere in the survey and no information about who respond will be saved or available to unauthorized persons. The results will only be presented in a compiled form in such a way that no individual answers can be identified or traced back to a person.

It is possible to download the speech synthesis Tortalk free of charge via University West's website and in this way have the survey read out as a complement to the written text.

How are my answers protected?

All material that we collect in the research project is processed by the research group and no unauthorized person will be given access to the material. In the reporting, we will de identify events, names, and contexts that are written in the free text fields in the survey, so it will not be clear what you answered when the results of the survey are reported. The purpose of the survey is to see overall patterns and understand processes of inclusion and/or exclusion at University West.

How is personal data processed?

If you choose to participate, the project will use certain personal information about you. Information that can be linked to you in this way is counted as personal data in accordance with the EU Data Protection Regulation 2016/679. The reason why the project needs to process such personal data is because the research is important and socially beneficial.

University West is responsible for personal data for this processing. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is to perform a task of general interest (Article 6e, GDPR).

The Ethics Review Act requires that the Ethics Review Authority has approved the processing of personal data that takes place due to the current research project. Such an approval decision exists; see the Ethics Review Authority’s decision, with Registration Number 2021 03830.

The personal data will be stored in a code key separate from the interview data. Interview data is stored locally in a protected folder according to University West's data security policy. In order for the pro ject to be carried out, the research group will be given access to the personal data. The information will be processed so that unauthorized persons cannot access it.

When the project is completed, what has been collected and processed within the project w ill be stored in accordance with University West’s rules for the protection of business information and archives.

According to the EU Data Protection Regulation and national supplementary legislation, you have the right to:

  • Request access to your personal data
  • Request that your personal information be correcte d
  • Request that the processing of your personal data be restricted

In certain circumstances, the Data Protection Regulation and supplementary national legislation allow for exceptions to th ese rights. For example, the right of access to their data may be limited by confidentiality requirements and the right to have data deleted may be limited by rules concerning archiving.

If you wish to invoke any of these rights, you must contact the Data Protection Officer at University West (

If you are dissatisfied with how your personal data is processed, you have the right to complain to the Privacy Protection Authority. Information about this is available on the authority’s website (i

Participation in the study may risk arousing unpleasant memories and feelings.

If you require support after participating in the survey, employees at University West are offered conversational support by the Occupational Health Service Avonova. You can then contact Avonova in Trollhättan without having to speak to your boss or another person. Avonova is prepared for calls to come.

For students, Student Health at University West offers conversational support. Both Maria Blomqvist and Anette Ryckenberg at the Student Health have been asked and are prepared for conversations to take place. You can e-mail the student health at

Information about the results of the study

The survey results will be used for analysis and completed to results that will be presented partly in a scientific report in Swedish and partly in English language scientific journals. The results will also be presented at research conferences. Publication of the results in Swedish is planned for 2022/2023. The project’s results will also be used in the design of pedagogical/didactic development work
at University West to promote inclusion and counteract exclusion.

Which researchers are participating in the project?

All the researchers who participate in the research project are employed at University West in Trollhättan.

Questions about the survey

Do you have questions about the study, please contact:

Kerstin von Brömssen
