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GAIS 2 aims to improve information and knowledge sharing within a global production network. This will be done in two areas with regards to assembly instructions; the engineering manufacturing process and the learning process of operators. The aim is divided into four research questions: 

RQ1: How do different strategies in manufacturing engineering processes affect the flexibility in assembly instructions at a global level? 

RQ2: What methods and standards are suitable for global information sharing regarding instructions for operators in assembly systems? 

RQ3: How can technology be utilized to improve learning curve effects, and reduce time-to-knowledge, and create flexibility for information and knowledge sharing? 

RQ4: How can knowledge sharing be improved in order to decrease learning curve for operators? 

GAIS 2 aims to develop models and strategies to be able to decide whether to have a decentralized or centralized approach within the manufacturing engineering process and for the user interface of assembly instruction. Furthermore to have a structured learning process with the most suitable technologies in order to decrease the learning curve and to increase the quality of learning. GAIS 2 also aims for attract younger people by offering flexibility and new technologies for learning and assembling.

Research Area

  • Teknik
  • Produktionsteknik
  • Produktionssystem

Research environment / Institution

  • Produktionsteknik
  • Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap

Project leader

Participants University West

Research Partner

  • Chalmers
  • Combitech
  • SAAB
  • Volvo Lastvagnar

Research funding

  • Vinnova

Project time

2016 - 2018
