Miljo:FIA aims for Flexible and Innovative Automation by building the most modern automation laboratory at Production Technology Center (PTC). This effort will establish a national resource in Sweden with the latest state of the art technique based on world-leading research in automation. Miljo: FIA is a long-term commitment of the University West (HV), Innovatum AB (Innovatum), Swerea IVF (IVF) together with manufacturing companies in the region.
The vision is to obtain adaptable and reconfigurable production systems, where humans can be easily integrated in flexible automated applications. One topic considered is an open architecture that can handle flexibility with a Plug & Produce concept. The aim is to be able to rebuild an industrial automation cell within minutes to handle new production scenarios. This is in line with initiatives such as Industry 4.0, Smart Factories, Cyber Physical Systems and Digitalisation, which are aiming for a paradigm shift in the abilities and possibilities with automated production. The main challenges have been formulated as, infrastructure, inclusion of operators and new methods for flexibility.
WP 1 – Infrastructure for flexibility
- Simplified reuse and set-up of process modules
- Standardized geometrical, electrical and logical interfaces
- Cost efficient to automate low volume production
- Integrated safety for collaboration
- Common "fieldbus" based on OPC-UA
WP 2 – Working environment
- Avoid hazardous situations
- Avoid bad ergonomic postures and heavy liftings
- New and innovative robots for collaboration
- Automation to match different physical and social needs
WP 3 - Equal opportunities
- An including efficient and secure working environment
- Automatically individualized information
- Situational based information
- User friendly handling of complex automation equipment
WP 4 – Methods for flexibility
- Reuse of knowledge and automation equipment intelligence
- Easy configuration rather than programming of equipment
- Autonomous multi-agent based system
- Learning systems
Research Area
- Teknik
- Produktionsteknik
- Produktionssystem
Research environment / Institution
- Produktionsteknik
- Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap
Project leader
Participants University West
- Bo Svensson
- Fredrik Danielsson
- Anders Nilsson
- Anders Appelgren
- Linn Gustavsson
- Mattias Bennulf
- Mattias Ottosson
- Sudha Ramasamy
- Xiaoxiao Zhang
Research funding
- Tillväxtverket
- Västra Götalandsregionen
Project time
2017 - 2020