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The purpose of Replab is to develop collaboration with, and dissemination of, research results in re-manufacturing with the help of additive technologies to the region's small and medium-sized enterprises. This will be done by building up a regional research resource at the Production Technology Center in re-manufacturing using additives techniques to such a size and quality that it enables participation in international research framework programs of both HEIs and SMEs.

Re-manufacturing and repair are of great interest for many industrial sectors, not least for the region's aerospace and automotive industry as the technology enables the entire product and material life cycle to be considered.  
It can thus significantly increase resource efficiency for the entire product life cycle.

Objectives of the project
 The project focus on three goals:
1) implement five demonstrator projects to deliver technologies for AM and remanufacturing. The demonstrator projects will increase the competence of the AM and re-manufacturing of participating companies in order to
increase global competitiveness and create new jobs 
2) develop a collaboration model with Swerea-IVF and surrounding companies within AM
3) increase external research funding in the specific area

University West is the main project owner and Chalmers participates in the projects as a research partner. In addition, the project will collaborate with regional companies in the regional industry, especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and global players in the manufacturing industry (primarily GKN Aerospace).


Research Area

  • Produktionsteknik

Research environment / Institution

  • Produktionsteknik
  • Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap

Project leader

Project Participants external

Lars Nyborg

Robert Lundberg, Lars Östergren

Research funding

  • EU, övrigt - (strukturfonder, socialfonder, Europeiskt territoriellt samarbete Interreg)
  • Västra Götalandsregionen

Project time

2018 - 2021
