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The vision of SafeAgain is to obtain flexible plug & produce production systems, where humans can be easily integrated in safe and collaborative automated applications. The specific research question to be considered in SafeAgain is; how to handle safety logic for a plug & produce system in the context of safe collaborative automation. SafeAgain builds on previous experiences to further strength and develop the University West research group within flexible industrial automation. Swedish industry calls for more flexible and automated production systems to keep cost efficient manufacturing with high quality within Sweden. Involvement of humans and human/machine collaboration supports a smooth transition into more flexible systems, and facilitates for rapid reconfiguration. Artificial Intelligence is a promising technique to handle high flexibility from a control perspective. The challenge is to include safety logic aspects and Artificial Intelligence in one common methodology that addresses plug & produce. International standards and metrics for safety, collaboration and flexibility will be identified, implemented and evaluated. An existing demonstrator, Miljo:FIA, will be used for validation, dissemination and knowledge transfer to the partners. The novelty of SafeAgain is that it addresses real industrial cases with real safety PLC and industrial sensors, fulfilling directives on both national, European/International level. SafeAgain is in line with initiatives such as Industry 4.0, Smart Factories, Cyber Physical Systems and Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence, which are aiming for a paradigm shift in the abilities and possibilities for production technology. SafeAgain will provide the industrial community with a method and tools for plug & produce aimed for safe, collaborative and flexible automation. The research deliveries focus on how to formulate an Artificial Intelligent controller that can handle the stricter safety logic and how to make human/machine interaction efficient. In this context it is also necessary to investigate how to reformulate the safety logic to be able deal with high flexibility and therefore some results on how to formulate safety logic will be delivered. 

Research Area

  • Teknik
  • Produktionsteknik
  • Produktionssystem

Research environment / Institution

  • Produktionsteknik
  • Primus (KK-miljö)
  • Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap

Project leader

Participants University West

Research Partner

  • Innovatum i Trollhättan
  • Husqvarna
  • Midroc Automation Trollhättan
  • Rebl Industry

Research funding

  • KK-Stiftelsen

Project time

2019 - 2022
