Amir Haj-Bolouri
Senior lecturer
PhD and Associate Professor of Information Systems
Staff member at Division of Informatics.Research area
Conducts research in workintegrated learning, informatics, industrial workintegrated learning.
Dr. Haj-Bolouri is an associate professor (Docent) of Information Systems at University West in Trollhättan, Sweden, and a docent of Information Systems at University of Jyväskylä in Finland. Dr. Haj-Bolouri is an active member of Association for Information Systems (AIS) and his research interests are broad ranging from areas such as: Design Science Research, Action Design Research, Theory Development, Philosophy, Meaningfulness, Industrial Work-integrated Learning, Virtual Reality, and Space.
Dr. Haj-Bolouri has published in a number of scientific journals including: European Journal of Information Systems, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Workplace Learning, International Journal of E-Learning.
Dr. Haj-Bolouri has also published and presented research articles in conferences such as: ICIS, ECIS, DESRIST, HICSS, and E-Learn. Dr. Haj-Bolouri has also written book chapters that contribute to the discourse of theory development in Information Systems (IS) and is actively contributing to different communities in the field of IS as a reviewer of articles for top journals (e.g., JAIS, EJIS, ISJ), conferences (e.g., ICIS, ECIS, HICSS), and has experience of being track chair for before-mentioned conferences as well as contributing as an guest AE for journals such as EJIS. Additionally, Dr. Haj-Bolouri is the current president of the AIS Special Interest Group in Pragmatist IS research (SIGPRAG).
Finally, Dr. Haj-Bolouri has participated as a public intellectual in Swedish Radio ("Filosofiska Rummet"), local talk-show in front of live audience presenting his research, and in podcasts such as the "SIGPhil''s philosophical dialogues" and "This IS Research". He is also an experienced guest lecturer and presenter of research at international universities, including: University of Jyväskylä, Aalto University, National University of Ireland in Galway, Cologne University, Claremont University, Agder University, and Nurnberg University (Simon Ohm). Moreover, Dr. Haj-Bolouri has been an active contributor to the Design Science community in Information Systems for nearly a decade.
Dr. Haj-Bolouri''s current research projects comprises studies about meaningfulness and meaningful learning in Virtual Reality, the conceptualization of Space in Information Systems, the evolvement of Action Design Research, an immersive learning environments for sustainable competency development. Currently, Dr. Haj-Bolouri is working together with companies such as SJ, Nolato AB, Vobling, and Tenstar Simulations. Dr. Haj-Bolouri is also an active member of University West''s Open Lab initiative, where emerging interactive technologies are the focal point of study for digital practices and Industrial Work-integrated Learning
Herwix, A., Haj-Bolouri, A., Rossi, M., Tremblay, M. C., Purao, S., & Gregor, S. (2022). Ethics in Information Systems and Design Science Research: Five Perspectives. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 50(1), 589-616.
Weigand, H., & Haj-Bolouri, A. Transformational Design: A Communicative Approach on Design Science Research in Information Systems. Systems, Signs, and Actions. Vol. 13, pp. 1-28.
Haj-Bolouri, A., & Rossi, M. (2022). Proposing Design Principles for Sustainable Fire Safety Training in Immersive Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Haj-Bolouri, A., & Rossi, M. (2022). Emerging Challenges of Evaluating Immersive Virtual Reality Safety Training: An Early Design Science Perspective. in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology.
Haj-Bolouri, A., & Rossi, M. (2021). Towards Design Principles for Safety Training in Virtual Reality: An Action Design Research Case. In International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (pp. 89-95). Springer, Cham.
Haj-Bolouri, A. (2021). Wickedness in Designing IT for Integration Work. A phenomenological account. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 33(1), 9.
Herwix, A., & Haj-Bolouri, A. (2021). Revisiting the Problem of the Problem-an Ontology and Framework for Problem Assessment in is Research. In ECIS.
Haj-Bolouri, A., Master Östlund, C., Rossi, M., and Svensson, L. (2021) Action Design Research as a Means for Organizing Workplace Learning: Case Studies of E-Learning Platforms. Journal of Workplace Learning.
Haj-Bolouri, A. (2021). Revitalizing thoughts on Theory, Theorizing, and Philosophizing in Information Systems. In IS Seminar Series–Revitalizing thoughts on Theory, Theorizing, and Philosophizing in Information Systems. Palgrave Macmillan.
Herwix, A., & Haj-Bolouri, A. (2020). Having a Positive Impact with Design Science Research–Learning from Effective Altruism. In International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (pp. 235-246). Springer, Cham.
Hansen, M. R. P., & Haj-Bolouri, A. (2020). Design Principles Exposition: A Framework for Problematizing Knowledge and Practice in DSR. In International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (pp. 171-182). Springer, Cham.
Haj-Bolouri, A., Winman, T., & Svensson, L. (2020). Meta-requirements for Immersive Collaborative Spaces in Industrial Workplace Learning: Towards a Design Theory. In International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (pp. 339-346). Springer, Cham.
Haj-Bolouri, A., Östlund, C. M., Rossi, M., & Svensson, L. (2019). Work-Integrated Learning as an Outcome of Using Action Design Research in Practice. In International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (pp. 92-107). Springer, Cham.
Iivari, J., Rotvit Perlt Hansen, M., & Haj-Bolouri, A. (2020). A proposal for minimum reusability evaluation of design principles. European Journal of Information Systems, 1-18.
Haj-Bolouri, A. (2019). Design principles for E-learning that support integration work: a case of action design research. In International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (pp. 300-316). Springer, Cham.
Haj-Bolouri, A., Purao, S., Rossi, M., & Bernhardsson, L. (2018). Action design research in practice: lessons and concerns.
Haj-Bolouri, A. (2018). Kernel Philosophy: A Way of Inspiring and Mak-ing Sense of Design in Information Systems Re-search?. In AIS SIGPRAG pre-ICIS workshop on” Practice-based Design and Innovation of Digital Artifacts”, 2018-12-12, San Francisco, CA, USA (pp. 1-19). American Information Society.
Iivari, J., Hansen, M. R. P., & Haj-Bolouri, A. (2018). A framework for light reusability evaluation of design principles in design science research. In Proceedings of international conference on design science research in information systems and technology (DESRIST 2018).
Haj-Bolouri, A., Purao, S., Rossi, Matti., and Bernhardsson, L. (2017). Action Design Research as a Method-in-Use: Problems and Opportunities. 12th International Conference of Design Science Research in Information Technology and Systems.
Haj-Bolouri, A., and Flensburg, A. (2017). Conceptualizing the Essence of Presence in Distance Education through Digital Dasein. International Journal on E-Learning 16 (2), 149-173, 2017.
Chandra Kruse, L., Sjöström, J., Haj-Bolouri, A., and Flensburg, P. (2016). Software Embedded Evaluation Support in Design Science Research. AIS SIGPRAG Pre-ICIS Workshop on Practice-based Design and Innovation of Digital Artifacts.
Haj-Bolouri, A., Kruse Chandra, L., Iivari, J., and Flensburg, P. How Habermas'''' philosophy can inspire the design of information systems: the case of designing an open learning platform for social integration. (2016). Issue Nr 7 (2016). 2.
Sjöström, J., Chandra Kruse, L., and Haj-Bolouri, A. (2016). A Design Theory for Built-in Evaluation Support. In IRIS39-The 39th Information Systems Research Conference in Scandinavia, Ljungskile, Sweden, 7-10 August 2016.
Haj-Bolouri, A., Flensburg, A., and Thapa, D. (2016). Imparting social values through eLearning platform: A social learning approach. In IRIS39-The 39th Information Systems Research Conference in Scandinavia, Ljungskile, Sweden, 7-10 August 2016.
Babaheidari, S. M., Haj-Bolouri, A., Högberg, K., Ljundahl-Eriksson, M., Lundh Snis, U., Norström, L., ... & Willermark, S. (2016). Work integrated learning in a Doctoral course in informatics. In IRIS39-The 39th Information Systems Research Conference in Scandinavia, Ljungskile, Sweden, 7-10 August 2016.
Haj-Bolouri, A., Bernhardsson, L., & Rossi, M. (2016). PADRE: A Method for Participatory Action Design Research. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Tackling Society''s Grand Challenges with Design Science-Volume 9661(pp. 19-36). Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Haj-Bolouri, A., Bernhardsson, L., Bernhardsson, P., Svensson, L.: An information systems design theory for adaptable e-learning. In: 49th Proceedings on Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2016)
Haj-Bolouri, A., Bernhardsson, L., & Rossi, M. (2015). Introducing PADRE: Participatory Action Design Research. In AIS SIGPRAG Pre-ICIS Workshop: Practice-based Design and Innovation of Digital Artifacts, December 12, 2015, Fort Worth, Texas, USA (pp. 1-16). SIGPrag.
Haj-Bolouri, A. (2015). The Notion of Users in Design Science Research. Proceedings of the 38th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 38), Oulu, Finland, 9-12 August 2015.
Haj-Bolouri, A., Bernhardsson, L., Bernhardsson, P.: CollaborGeneous: a framework of collaborative IT-tools for heterogeneous groups of learners. In: Donnellan, B., Helfert, M., Kenneally, J., VanderMeer, D., Rothenberger, M., Winter, R. (eds.). LNCS, vol. 9073, pp. 376–380. Springer, Heidelberg (2015).
Conceptualizing the Essence of Presence in Distance Education through Digital DaseinA Haj-Bolouri, P Flensburg, L SvenssonProceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, 746-754, 201.
Haj-Bolouri, A., Svensson, L.: Designing for heterogeneous groups of end-users: towards a nascent design theory. In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education (2014).
Haj-Bolouri, A., Flensburg, P., Bernhardsson, L., Winman, T., Svensson, L.: Designing a web-based education platform for swedish civic orientation. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education (2014).