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Johan Berlin

Johan Berlin


Professor in business administration specialising in public organisation. J523


Staff member at Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy.

Research area

Conducts research in social sciences, economics and business, business administration.


Professor in business administration specialising in public organisation.

Research area

Public organisation, management, leadership, security, risk- and crisis management
Overall, my research has concerned public organisation and administration, focusing on: purchaser's control of professions within the health service; exercises as work which promotes safety; risk- and crisis management; team work between healthcare professions; bureaucrats' strategies to manage high workloads within human service organisations and leadership of professions within the healthcare-, police- and social services.

Ongoing research projects


In conjunction with colleagues, from 2017 to the present I have been leading a research project where we study how and why public organisations take activities back in-house (backsourcing). Data has been collected through questionnaires, observations, interviews and documents within municipal care of the elderly, the regional ambulance service and state housing for migrants. The research has resulted in several publications in academic journals. The research project has been funded by the Swedish Research Council.

Exercises – collaboration, risk, crisis management  

In conjunction with colleagues, from 2007 to the present I have been conducting research into how exercises can stimulate safety and organisational collaboration in connection with crises, accidents and disasters. Data has been collected over several years through questionnaires, observations, interviews and document studies. In total, we have studied some 40 full-scale exercises and observed risk, safety and collaboration in a range of accident sites. The research has resulted in several publications in academic journals, academic books and textbooks. It has also resulted in the 3NS exercise model, which has been used in a large number of organisations both nationally and internationally. The research project has been funded by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).


In conjunction with colleagues, from 2007 I have been participating in a research project where we study which strategies public employees use when they have too many assignments. Data has been collected through questionnaires, interviews and observations within the social-, health- and police services. The organisations have been selected because the employees tend to have an ever increasing workload, which means that they need strategies to manage it. The research has resulted in several publications in academic journals. The research project has been funded by FORTE.

Organisation of palliative consultation in hospitals 

In conjunction with colleagues, from 2007 I have been participating in a research project that studies how palliative consultation can be organised and integrated in hospitals. I am assistant supervisor for a PhD student (Susanna Böling), who is linked to the project. Data is collected through observations, journal reviews, interviews and focus groups with treatment staff from various healthcare professions. The study is funded by the University of Gothenburg through a PhD studentship.

Completed research projects


Between 2008 and 2015, I led a research project which studied multi-professional teams in the health services. Data was collected by means of observations, interviews and documents in psychiatric teams in outpatient care, inpatient care and forensic psychiatric care.  The research has resulted in several publications in academic journals, academic books and chapters in textbooks. The research was funded by organisations including the Swedish lnstitute for Health Studies at Lund University and University West.

Artefacts and cultural codes

In conjunction with colleagues, between 2010 and 2015 I worked on a research project that studied the governing effect of artefacts between professions within the health services. Use of name tags, work clothes, lines on the floor, keys and bed restraints were studied in particular. Data was collected by means of observations and interviews. The study followed the work at an emergency department and a forensic psychiatric care ward. The studies emphasise the importance of splitting and repulsion. The research resulted in a number of academic articles and book chapters. The research was funded by organisations including the Swedish lnstitute for Health Studies at Lund University and University West.

Purchaser's control

Between 2003 and 2006 I worked on a study regarding control of professional public operations. The study answered the questions of how and why the health services are controlled by purchasers. Data was collected by means of observations, interviews and documents. The study followed purchaser's control in two hospitals in a region. The research resulted in a PhD thesis and several book chapters. The research was funded by the University of Gothenburg.


Further information about my publications is available in the following databases:


Google Scholar


I have extensive experience of teaching/supervision at all levels. At undergraduate level I am course director and examiner for courses dealing with organisation and leadership. At postgraduate level I supervise and examine master's dissertations. Within PhD studies I have acted as main supervisor, assistant supervisor, opponent and member of examining committees for doctoral theses.

Subject specialist

Have participated as subject specialist on a number of occasions in connection with appointments for various academic positions/titles such as senior lecturer, associate professor and professor. I am also engaged by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) for audits of teaching and research.

University management council

Member of subject council for research education at University West 2022-2025. 


During 2015-2018 I was coordinator and convenor for a national research network for collaborative research. During the period, I contributed to the research network receiving financial support from FORTE 2015-2021.

Evaluation committee FORTE

Ordinary member of FORTE'S evaluation committee for care organisations which distribute research funds in connection with ordinary applications.

Member of the ethical review authority

Ordinary member of the Ethical Review Authority in Gothenburg, 2014-2027. 
Review of researchers' applications for ethical review as per the Ethical Review Act.

Editorial boards

Public Administration and Management

International Journal of Public Administration (ISSN: 1532-4265)

Team Performance Management (ISSN 1352-7592)

Crisis management

Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (ISSN: 1468-5973)

International Journal of Emergency Services (ISSN 2047-0894)

International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (ISSN 2095-0055)

Health management

Journal of Health Planning and Management (ISSN: 1099-1751)

Journal of Health Organization and Management (ISSN: 1477-7266)

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (ISSN: 1365-2753)

Leadership in Health Services (ISSN 1751-1879)

Reviewer international journals

I have been engaged as a reviewer by some 50 international journals on more than 100 different occasions. The reviews of articles have primarily been within three areas; 1) Public Organisation and Management, 2) Health Management and 3) Crisis and Disaster Management.


Research projects