When competence and confidence are at odds : a cross-country examination of the Dunning–Kruger effect
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Cecilia Thorsen, Jelena Radišić, Francisco Peixoto, Anu Laine, Xin Liu
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Professor, gäst
Her research focuses on issues concerning educational quality and equity in Sweden and across different education systems. She has led and conducted several research projects financed by the Swedish Research Council (VR) to explore these issues. Currently her research covers investigating consequences of school reforms to educational equity in Swedish schools; the compensatory effect of different school systems on educational equity; trend in opportunity to learning.
Kajsa’s methodological interest lies in the quantitative analytical methods such as Structural Equation Modeling, multilevel analysis, growth curve modeling and mixture modeling.
Kajsa teaches postgraduate courses on the above-mentioned methods, and supervises Master and PhD students with their substantive research questions.
She is a member of the stirring group of the VR financed Quantitative Research Methods School (QRM), started in 2018, with the focus on delivering and promoting advanced quantitative research methods to doctoral students and post-docs in social behavioral sciences. She also involves in an EU training project ETN OCCAM (European Training Network: Outcomes and Causal Inference in International Comparative Assessments).
Yang Hansen, K. & Streitholt, R. (2018). Does schooling actually perpetuate educational inequality in mathematics performance? A question of validity. ZDM International Journal of Mathematics Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-018-0935-3
Fjellman, A. M., Yang Hansen, K., & Beach, D. (2018). School choice and implications for equity: The new political geography of the Swedish upper secondary school market. Educational Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2018.1457009
Gustafsson, J.-E., & Yang Hansen, K. (2017). Changes in the impact of family education on student educational achievement in Sweden 1998 – 2014. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
Nasiopoulou, P., Williams, P., Sheridan, S., & Yang Hansen, K. (2017). Exploring preschool teachers' professional profiles in Swedish preschool: a latent class analysis. Early Child Development and Care.
Yang Hansen, K., & Gustafsson, J.-E. (2016). Determinants of Country Differences in Effects of Parental Education on Children's Academic Achievement. Submitted to Large Scale Assessments in Education. 4(1), 11. DOI 10.1186/s40536-016-0027-1.
Yang Hansen, K., & Gustafsson, J. E. (2016). Causes of educational segregation in Sweden–school choice or residential segregation. Educational Research and Evaluation, 22(1-2), 23-44.
Gustafsson, J.-E., Nielsen, T., & Yang Hansen, K. (2016). School characteristics moderating the relation between student socio-economic status and mathematics achievement in grade 8. Evidence from 50 countries in TIMSS 2011. Studies in Educational Evaluation.
Yang Hansen, K., & Munck, I. (2012). Exploring the Measurement Profiles of Socioeconomic Background Indicators and their differences in Reading Achievement: A Two-level Latent Class Analysis. The IERI Monograph Series 5: 67-95. Award paper in 2014 IEA Wolf Award.
Yang Hansen, K., Rosén, M., & Gustafsson, J. E. (2011). Changes in the multi‐level effects of socio‐economic status on reading achievement in Sweden in 1991 and 2001. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 55(2), 197-211.
Gustafsson, J. E., & Yang Hansen, K. (2011). Förändringar i kommunskillnader i grundskoleresultat mellan 1998 och 2008. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 16(3), 161.
Yang Hansen, K. (2008). Ten-year Trend in SES Effects on Reading Achievement at School and Individual Levels: A Cross-country Comparison. Educational Research and Evaluation, 14 (6): 521 – 537.
Yang‐Hansen, K., Rosén, M., & Gustafsson, J. E. (2006). Measures of self‐reported reading resources, attitudes and activities based on latent variable modeling. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 29(2), 221-237. doi: 10.1080/17437270600891721.
Davidov, E., Yang Hansen, K., Gustafsson, J. E., Schmidt, P., & Bamberg, S. (2006). Does money matter? A theory-driven growth mixture model to explain travel-mode choice with experimental data. Methodology, 2(3), 124-134. doi: 10.1027/1614-2241.2.3.124.
Yang, Y., & Gustafsson, J. E. (2004). Measuring socioeconomic status at individual and collective levels. Educational Research and Evaluation, 10(3), 259-288.
Yang, Y. (2003a). Dimensions of socio-economic status and their relationship to mathematics and science achievement at individual and collective levels. Scandinavian journal of educational research, 47(1), 21-41.
Yang, Y. (1998). Variance differences in reading achievement at classroom and individual level in 24 countries. Journal of Nordic Educational Research. 18 (4):165-175.
Yang, Y. (2003b). Measuring Socioeconomic Status and its Effects at Individual and Collective Levels: A Cross-Country Comparison. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences 193, Gothenburg.
Rosén, M., Yang Hansen, K., & Wolff, U. (2016, Eds). Cognitive Abilities and Educational Outcomes: A Festschrift in Honor of Jan-Eric Gustafsson. Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-43473-5
Yang Hansen, K., Gustafsson, J.-E., & Rosén, M. (2014). School Performance Differences and Policy Variations in Finland, Norway and Sweden. In A. B. Kavli & T. Hallvard. (Eds.) Northern Lights on TIMSS and PIRLS 2011: Differences and similarities in the Nordic countries (pp. 25-48). Nordon: Nordic Council of Ministers.
Yang Hansen, K., Aslaksen, H., Borge, I., & Grønmo, L. (2013). Hjemmebakgrunn og prestasjoner. In L. S. Grønmo & T. Onstad (Eds.), Opptur og nedtur. Analyser av TIMSS data for Norge og Sverige. Pp. 139-162. Oslo: Akademika forlag.
Gustafsson, J.-E., Yang Hansen, K., & Rosén, M. (2013)."Effects of Home Background on Student Achievement in Reading, Mathematics, and Science at the Fourth Grade. In M. O. Martin and I. V. S. Mullis (Eds) TIMSS and PIRLS 2011: Relationships among Reading, Mathematics, and Science Achievement at the Fourth Grade -Implications for Early Learning. Boston College, USA.
Gustafsson J.-E., & Yang Hansen, K. (2009). Resultatförändringar i svensk grundskola, In L. M. Olsson (ed.) Vad påverkar resultaten i svensk grundskola? Kunskapsöversikt om betydelsen av olika faktorer, 40-85, Skolverket, Stockholm.
Wallentin, F., & Yang Hansen, K. (2009). Non-linear Structural Equation Modeling: an analysis of Reading Literacy Data in Sweden, In T. Teo & M. S. Khine (Eds), Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research: Concepts and Applications, 317-328. Sense Publishers.
Yang Hansen, K. (2004). A cross-country Comparison on the Effects of Socio-economic Status at Individual and Collective Levels. In L. M. Herrera & G. Francia (Eds.), Educational Policies: Implications for Equity, Equality and Equivalence. 175-201. Örebro University.
Nilsen, T., Blömeke, S., Yang Hansen, K., & Gustafsson, J. E. (2016). Are School Characteristics Related to Equity? The Answer May Depend on a Country's Developmental Level. Policy Brief No. 10. International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.
Yang Hansen, K. (2009). What happened to Educational Inequality? Resultatdislog 2009: forskning inom utbildningsvetenskap 169-174.
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Cecilia Thorsen, Jelena Radišić, Francisco Peixoto, Anu Laine, Xin Liu
Anna Andersson, Eva Brink, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Maria Skyvell Nilsson
Victoria Rolfe, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Rolf Strietholt
Cecilia Thorsen, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Stefan Johansson
Rolf Strietholt, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Nina Hogrebe, Victoria Rolfe, Monica Rosén, Isa Steinmann, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Stefan Johansson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Christina Cliffordson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Stefan Johansson, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Cecilia Thorsen
Francisco Peixoto, Jelena Radisic, Ksenija Krstic, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Anu Laine, Aleksandar Baucal, Maarja Sormus, Lourdes Mata
Victoria Rolfe, Rolf Strietholt, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Stefan Johansson
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Erik Gustafsson
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Christina Cliffordson