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Petri Kajonius

Petri Kajonius

Senior lecturer

Docent i personlighetspsykologi och beteendevetenskapliga mätningar I521


Staff member at Division of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology.

Research area

Conducts research in social sciences, psychology.

Academic background:

Full professor eligible (Umeå, Trondheim, Lund)

Associate Professor (Docent)

Doctorate degree, PhD, Psychology
Licentiate degree in Work- and Personality Psychology
Advanced level Pedagogy, 90hp
Master of Science in Social Psychology, 300hp


SCHOLAR PROFILE (Latest scientific work):


Teaching and research interests (key topics):

Social Psychology. Personality and Deviance. Group Psychology. Social Psychiatry. Work- and Organizational Psychology. Intelligence. Subjective Well-being. Personality traits (GFP, Big Five).