When can I be in the house?
The Opening hours are 07:00 - 23.00 by the West Card. The doors to the main entrance and "Framgången" (at Restaurang Västan) have the same opening hours as the library.
Group rooms?
There are 32 group rooms on campus that students can book for individual and group work. You can book these through schema.hv.se, remember to log in to access the group rooms.
How do I find the premises?
Letters describe where the room is in the building and number which floor. The first digit 2 for example that it is floor 2. Eg. F203 (house F, floor 2, floor 3).
Where is Gregart's student bookstore?
D205, go towards Entrance AIL, go up the spiral staircase to floor 2. Gregarts is then just to the left. Here is literature for courses, as well as used literature.
Where can I eat?
For your own food, there are various student kitchenettes equipped with microwaves and refrigerators. These are located on floors 2 and 4 in the I / J houses. Restaurant Västan and The Central Café serve lunch etc. Read more at Facilities on campus.
Are there lockers I can borrow?
Yes, but the sooner you sign up, the greater the chance of getting a locker. You need to bring your own padlock. Gregart's bookstore sells padlocks. The lockers are emptied in the summer. They are located on floors 2,3,4 in G, H, I, J and in the B-house on the ground floor.