Peer-reviewed journals
1. Eriksson, K. & Hendberg T. (2021) A Case Study Initiating Discrete Event Simulation as a Tool for Decision Making in I4.0 Manufacturing. In: Jayawickrama U., Delias P., Escobar M.T., Papathanasiou J. (eds) Decision Support Systems XI: Decision Support Systems, Analytics and Technologies in Response to Global Crisis Management. ICDSST 2021. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 414, pp. 84-96, Springer, Cham.
2. Carlsson, L., Hattinger, M. Olsson, A.K. & Lundh Snis, U. (2021). Desperately Seeking Industrial Digital Strategy: A dynamic capability approach. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management. 12(4), 345–364.
3. Carlsson, L., Olsson, A.K. & Eriksson, K. (2022). Taking Responsibility for Industrial Digitalization: Navigating Organizational Challenges. Sustainability, 14, 866,
4. Eriksson, K., Alsaleh, A., Behzad Far, S. & Stjern, D. (2022). Applying digital twin technology with seamless transfer: An automation line case study. In proceedings of the 10th Swedish Production Symposium, April 26th – 29th, Skövde, Sweden, Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, ISSN 2352-751X, Vol. 21, pp. 461-472,
5. Eriksson, K., Ramasamy, S., Zhang, X., Wang, Z. & Danielsson, F. (2022). Conceptual framework scheduling applying discrete event simulation as an environment for deep reinforcement learning. Procedia CIRP, In proceedings of the 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, June 29th – July 1st, Lugano, Switzerland, ISSN 2212-8271, E-ISSN 2212-8271, Vol. 107, pp. 955-960,
6. Eriksson, K.M., Carlsson, L. & Olsson, A.K. (2022). To digitalize or not? Navigating and merging human‑ and technology perspectives in production planning and control. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
7. Carlsson, L (2023). Strategizing organizational capabilities for industrial digitalization – Exploring managers’ technological frames. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Accepted for publication.
No.1 is co-authored with industry partner.
Peer-reviewed conference papers
1. Lundh Snis, U., de Blanche, A., Eriksson, K.M., Hattinger, M., Olsson, A.K., Carlsson, L. & Belenki, S., (2020). Artificial and Human Intelligence through Learning: How Industry Applications Need Human-in-the-loop, in (ed) Kristina Johansson, VILÄR. 3–4 December 2020 University West, Trollhättan. Högskolan Väst. pp. 24-26
2. Hattinger, M., Lundh Snis, U., & Islind, A. S. (2021). Real-time Analytics through Industrial Internet of Things: Lessons Learned from Data-driven Industry, Proceedings of AMCIS 2021, American Conferences on Information systems, August 9-13, 2021, in Canada (virtual conference).
3. de Blanche, A., Carlsson, L., Olsson, A.K., Eriksson, K., Belenki, S., Lundh Snis, U. & Hattinger, M. (2021). Artificial and human aspects of Industry 4.0: an industrial work-integrated-learning research agenda, in K. Johansson (Ed.), VILÄR Book of Abstracts: 9-10 December 2021 University West, Trollhättan, Sweden, 2021, p. 12.
4. Carlsson, L., Olsson, A.K. & Lundh Snis U. (2021). Taking care of Digital initiatives: Managers approaching industrial digitalization, at A Conference of the International Association for Computer Information Systems, IACIS Virtual Conference Europe 2021, June 24 - 25, 2021, pp.22-24.
5. Eriksson, K., Carlsson, L. & Olsson, A.K. (2022). To Digitalize or Not? Navigating and Merging Human- and Technology Perspectives in Production Planning and Control, FAIM 2022, Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing International Conference June 19-23, 2022, Detroit, US.
6. Olsson, A.K., Erikson, K. & Carlsson, L. (2022). A co-workership approach on digital transformation - Towards smart manufacturing, IACIS Conference Europe, A Conference of the International Association for Computer Information Systems, 23-24 June 2022, (Digital) Warsaw, Poland, p. 13-14
7. Eklöf, J., Hamelryck, T. and Lundh Snis, U (2022), What leaders require to deploy AI in manufacturing companies: An interdisciplinary and mixed methods approach. The 26th NFF, Nordic Academy of Management Conference: "Bringing Research Together", Örebro, Sweden.
8. Hattinger, M., de Blanche A., Olsson, A.K., Carlsson, L., Lundh Snis, U., Eriksson, K. & Belenki, S. (2022). Reviewing human-centric themes in intelligent manufacturing research, International Conference on Work Integrated Learning Abstract Book, 7-9 Dec 2022, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden, ISBN Electronic: 978-91-89325-30-2 pp. 125-127.
9. Eriksson, K.M., Carlsson, L. & Olsson, A.K. (2023) Exploring socially sustainable, smart manufacturing – Building bridges over troubled waters
Submitted and accepted for presentation at FAIM 2023, Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing International Conference, FAIM, June 18-22, 2023, Porto, Portugal.
10. Carlsson, L. (2023). Does the human-centric perspective matter? A case study on micro-foundations of the transforming capability in the context of industrial digitalization, Submitted to IACIS Europe 2023, A Conference of the International Association for Computer Information Systems, June 20-24, 2023, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
Paper no. 7 is co-authored with industry partner.
Student thesis works
1. Bader, M. & Nuur, I. (2020). En logistikstudie med fokus på faktorer inför implementering av produktionsflödessimulering: Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB. Bachelor thesis, Industrial Engineering 15hp, University West
2. Saxin, D. (2021). The Industry 4.0 revolution and how the rise of machines have changed IT departments. Master thesis 15 hp, Informatics, University West.
3. Nyberg, E. (2021). Modelling of production flow at Siemens Energy: Digital Twin with a view towards real time data implementation. Master thesis 30hp, Master Programme in Robotics, University West
4. Nilsson, K., & Skytt, F. (2021). Hållbar mänsklig utveckling inom industrin: Den fjärde industriella revolutionens nya krav på människan. Kandidatuppsats, 15 hp, Examensarbete i informatik, Högskolan Väst
5. Hansson, N. (2021). Modelling of production flow at Siemens Energy: Digital twin with plans toward statistical process control. Master thesis 30hp, Master Programme in Robotics, University West
6. Moskalenko, V. (2022). Discrete event simulation of production flow at Siemens energy - With focus on decision support system for statistical process control considering AI, Master Thesis 30hp, Master Programme in Robotics, University West
7. Gholam, S & Basaran, D. (2022). Ett medarbetarperspektiv på ledarskap: En kvalitativ studie inom tillverkningsindustrin, Kandidatuppsats 15hp, Ekonomprogrammet, Högskolan Väst