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The pilot facility shall develop, verify and establish methods, technologies, and business models for better usage of collected textile waste, and by doing so opening up for new environmentally and business wise better usage of textile waste. Today’s dominating usage of textile waste, in limited amounts, is by charity organizations in second hand stores. The rest is either incinerated or stored. Very small amounts of textile waste are recycled back to material today. The project will establish an open and fair business model opening up for all actors in Sweden that produces or manages textile waste to use the future sorting facility and open arena. The project shall also evaluate the possibility to involve other Nordic actors.


  • Teknik
  • Produktionsteknik
  • Produktionssystem

Forskningsmiljö / Institution

  • Produktionsteknik
  • Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap

Medverkande Högskolan Väst


  • Innovatum i Trollhättan
  • Fastighets AB Vänersborg
  • Svenska Röda Korset


  • Energimyndigheten


2016 - 2017


Mattias Ottosson

Mattias Ottosson Utvecklingsingenjör
Senast uppdaterad