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Jessica Persson Kylén, doktorand i Arbetsintegrerat lärande, håller sitt slutseminarium inför disputation med titeln ”A conceptual model for collaborative, person-centred oral health care planning”.

Ordförande: Laurence Piper, Högskolan Väst
Diskutant: Roger Säljö, Göteborgs Universitet
Huvudhandledare: Laurence Piper, Högskolan Väst.

Slutseminariet kommer ske i hybridform, för deltagande i zoom-rum: se länk ovan.

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Observera att lokalen nås med passerkort. För att bli insläppt, kontakta Laurence Piper/Thomas Pederson

Sammanfattning av doktorsavhandlingen (eng):

"The body of evidence about how oral health and general health are intertwined is growing. However, in both theory and practice, oral health seems hard to integrate with overall health care outside of dental care clinics. Especially older adults with frailty are at risk of poor oral health and reduced quality of life because of non-integrated care processes.

Globally, barriers for integration have been identified on both micro-, meso-, and macro-levels. Poor oral health is in large part preventable, and prerequisites for integration seem to all rely on learning. Therefore, much could be gained from approaching these previously described barriers to integration through theories and practices of learning when planning together. As such, the aim of this compilation thesis is to explore a conceptual model for person-centred oral health care planning through collaborative work-integrated learning.

Based on the theory of expansive learning, with an overall action research approach, data were gathered through three interventions based on collaboration between older adults, dental and municipal care staff. The findings are based on mixed methods, including individual interviews (Study I, II, and III), totalling 50 interviews with older adults (n=24), dental hygienists (n=13), and nurses in municipal care organizations (n=13). Additionally, the data includes register data, a course evaluation, and protocols from cross-professional meetings in municipal care organizations (Study II). Moreover, the data covers transcriptions from 24 team-based oral assessments conducted in home settings (Study III). In study IV an evaluation of a new person-centred, cross-professional workflow model for oral assessments in home settings is suggested.

The interventions, based on collaboration, appear to foster a novel type of agency, enabling all the participants to learn what holds value for various participants. A prerequisite for this is to, in different ways, share a translational area for knowledge to be understood. Learning can be characterized as expansive and empowering, prompting participants to reinvent themselves and broaden their and others’ horizons. Finally, based on the overall findings a conceptual model for key determinants during collaborative, person-centred oral health care planning is suggested."
