Competence 1 : Intrapersonal Spirituality and Its Impact on Person-Centred Spiritual Care
René van Leeuwen, Gørill Haugan, Melanie Rogers, Åsa Roxberg, Joanna Zolnierz, Anto Čartolovni
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Åsa Roxberg, RN, RNT, PhD in caring science. She holds the position of professor since 1st january 2018 (Halmstad University) but is now affiliated as professor att University West, Trollhättan.
Since the completion of the thesis professor Åsa Roxberg's research has focused on the meaning of and the relief of suffering during and in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Åsa Roxberg was the the leader for this project, wich study the phenomenon from different perspectives as well as newly (2017) established network, "Space and Place for health and care" focusing on residential architecture, public health, intensive care room and ontological aspects of health related to space and place. Åsa Roxberg was also engaged in the so-called SAMMI project, concerning patients with CHD and ther existing social network and need for social support, with a focus on marital and sexual life.
Åsa Roxberg has completed several doctoral courses in Caring Science, the philosophy of phenomenology and hermeneutics and ethics. She is well acquainted with qualitative research methodology but has also been in involved in quantitative research. She has also completed a course in supervising PhD students and how to teach in English.
At present the scientific portfolio includes the thesis, "Caring and non-caring consolation" and a number och peer-reviewed manuscripts published in range of International Journals, for example Medicine, Healthcare and Philosphy, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, the Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing (fourth name), Journal of Religion & Health, Journal of Palliative Nursing, The Arts in Psychotherapy, Journal of Crosscultural Gerontology, Journal of Aging Research and Radiography. The latest publication, March 2024) is published in Heliyon
Roxberg is editor of the anniversary book, “Vårdvetenskapliga vägskäl” (2008), School of Health and Caring Sciences, Linnaeus University as well as contributing to an anthology about Concepts of Caring Science (2012, 2017, 2022). Roxberg’s contribution is a chapter about consolation and in the third edition about “Touching comfort and comforting touch” (In Swedish: Berörande tröst och tröstande beröring). She is also the author of a chapter, “Stories of Dignity, a theological perspective”. In Stories of Dignity within Healthcare. Research, narratives and theories (2016) as well as contributing to a chapter: Intrapersonal Spirituality and Its Impact on Person-Centered Spiritual Care (2021) and as author and coauthor for to chapters in: “To understand illness: the patient’s, the nurse’s and next of kin perspective” (2021)(In Swedish; Att förstå sjukdomen: ur patientens, sjuksköterskans och den närståendes perspektiv)
Further, she was engaged in a “Dignity group”, a network collaboration, which represents Norway (base), England and Sweden as well as engaged in a Norwegian network, Omsorgens grunnlag fenomen och villkor. Åsa Roxberg is also part of a research group which focus on existential issues, so called “eksistensforskargruppe” at VID University, Bergen (and Oslo) and a research group connected to Tromsø University, “Liv og livsmot”. She is also a member of to the EPICC network focusing on spiritual care.
Since 2008 she has also held the postion of første amanuensis (ass. professor) at VID University College in Bergen and since 2019 as professor at the same University, retired since 2023. Åsa Roxberg has also been assistant professor at Mälardalen University.
Her portfolio includes supervision for master degree (two students have concluded their master) as well as being examinator for three international master thesis. One of her Phd student completed her doctoral theis in December 2012 and the Norweigan Phd student completed her doctoral thesis at Bergen University 2015 and recently Halmstad University (principal supervisor) 2018. Åsa Roxberg has also been principal supervisor for a doctoral student at Linneus University who defended his thesis 25th May 2018. Further, Roxberg supervised a doctoral student at Mälardalen University who completed her doctoral theis in 2017. Roxberg has been a member of the internal reviewer group for doctoral thesis manuscripts on four occasions as well as on four occasions for licentiate degree manuscripts, all at School of Health and Caring Sciences, Linnaeus University. She is also elected member of examining committee at public defense of PhD dissertation, 20120127 and 20120413 and the examiner of two thesis at Linnaeus University. She was also deputy member of the examining committee at public defense of PhD dissertation, 20190614, at University West. Åsa Roxberg was also assigned peer reviewer for nine applications to a Phd position at Halmstad University. She was also the elected moderator of public defense of a thesis (2013) at Linnaeus University.
Åsa Roxberg was also the first opponent on the public defence of Anne Lise Holm’s doctoral thesis, August 28th 2009, Stavanger University, Norway. Further, Åsa Roxberg has been the editor of the licentiate and other scientific publications at Linnaeus University, the Department of Health and Caring Sciences. She was also the selected guest editor 2019 for the International Journal of Qualitative Health and Wellbeing.
In 2013 (September-October) and 2015 (October) Åsa Roxberg was teaching at Rangsit University Bangkok, as part of the Linnaeus Palme project, as well as supervising her former doctoral student in Udani Thani province (2013) and Chang mai province (2015) in the northern part of Thailand were she also presented a paper at an international conference. Åsa Roxberg also held a presentation at “Den nordiske velferdsstats tause omsorgsfelt”, 8th and 9th November 2016 in Bergen, Norway. Further oral presentations was in Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland 20-21st June-2018 at the 4th International conference of Spirituality in Healthcare and Existential health at a conference in Bergen, 15-16th May 2019. The conference was arranged by the network “Omsorgens grunnlag, Fenomener og villkår” and the theme was “Critical Perspectives on Person, Care and Aging»
Consolation/comfort, Suffering, Hermeneutic phenomenology, Phenomenology, Health
René van Leeuwen, Gørill Haugan, Melanie Rogers, Åsa Roxberg, Joanna Zolnierz, Anto Čartolovni
Kerstin von Brömssen, Åsa Roxberg, C. Werkander Harstäde
Åsa Roxberg, Carina Werkander Harstede
Åsa Roxberg, Kristina Tryselius, Martin Gren, Berit Lindahl, Carina Werkander Harstäde, Anastasia Silverglow, Kajsa Nolbeck, Franz James, Ing-Marie Carlsson, Sepideh Olausson, Susanna Nordin, Helle Wijk
Margareta Karlsson, Asa Roxberg, António Barbosa da Silva, Ingela Berggren
Gabriele Kitzmüller, Åsa Roxberg, Anne Clancy
Monica Eriksson, Anette Ekström-Bergström, Susann Arvidsson, Henrika Jormfeldt, Stina Thorstensson, Ulrica Åström, Ingela Lundgren, Åsa Roxberg
Håkan Nunstedt, Sandra Pennbrant, Gudrun Rudolfsson, Åsa Roxberg
Monica Eriksson, Susann Arvidsson, Anette Ekström, Henrika Jormfeldt, Ingela Lundgren, Åsa Roxberg