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Mathias Zannakis

Mathias Zannakis


Egen titel: I428


Anställd på Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap och språk.


Forskar inom samhällsvetenskap, statsvetenskap, studier om ett hållbart samhälle.

Research interests

My main areas of interest concern the study of sustainability issues. More recently, I have been interested in didactic aspects of teaching about sustainable development, e.g., the tension between democracy and the advocacy of sustainable development. I am also interested in the study of school organizational aspects to promote teaching about sustainable development.

I have previously also studied, for example, the organization and interpretation of environmental problems by political actors and political institutions and their own responsibility for managing them, the relationship between individuals'' environmental behavior and politics and administration at different levels, but also more psychological factors of importance for people''s environmental attitudes and behavior.



I teach broadly in courses in social science in the subject teacher education, but also teach courses in educational sciences, and supervise students from undergraduate level to doctoral education.


Peer reviewed journal articles

Neby, S. & Zannakis, M. (2020) Coordinating Wickedness: A Comparative Analysis of How Norway and Sweden Organize for Climate Policies. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/13876988.2020.1821362.

Zannakis, M., Molander, S. & Johansson, L.-O. (2019) On the Relationship between Pro-Environmental Behavior, Experienced Monetary Costs, and Psychological Gains. Sustainability 11, 5467.

Zannakis, M. (2015) The Blending of Discourses in Sweden''''''''s "Urge to go Ahead" in Climate Politics. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 15:2, pp. 217-236.

Zannakis, M., Wallin, A. & Johansson, L.-O. (2015) Political Trust and Perceptions of the Quality of Institutional Arrangements: How do they influence the public’s acceptance of environmental rules? Environmental Policy and Governance 25: 6, pp. 424–438.

Wallin, A., Zannakis, M. & Molander, S. (2013) On-Site Sewage Systems from Good to Bad to...? Swedish Experiences with Institutional Change and Technological Dependencies 1900 to 2010. Sustainability 5: 11, pp. 4706-4727.

Wallin, A., Zannakis, M., Johansson, L.-O. & Molander, S. (2013) Influence of interventions and internal motivation on Swedish homeowners’ change of on-site sewage systems. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 76 (July), pp. 27-40


Books and book chapters

Zannakis, M. (2022) Sverige och den globala miljön, pp. 187–205 i Brommesson, D. & AM. Ekengren (red.), Sverige i världen – om utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande. Malmö: Gleerups. 4 reviderade uppl.

Zannakis, M. (2009) Climate Policy as a Window of Opportunity. Sweden and Global Climate Change. Gothenburg Studies in Politics 121 (Ph.D. Dissertation).

Zannakis, M. (2009) Bror duktig och alla stora stygga vargar. Sverige och ansvaret för internationell klimatpolitik, pp. 245–258 in Anthonsen, M. & Jagers, S. Rätt grönt – vänbok till Lennart J. Lundqvist. Gothenburg: Department of Political science, University of Gothenburg. ISBN: 978-91-89246-44-7.

von Borgstede, C., Zannakis, M., Lundqvist, L.J. (2007) Organizational Culture, Professional Norms and Local Implementation of National Climate Policy, in Lundqvist, L.J. & Biel, A. (eds.), From Kyoto to Town Hall. Making International and National Climate Policy Work at the Local Level, London: Earthscan, 2007.

Zannakis, M. (2005) Hållbar utveckling och genomförande av internationella miljöavtal”, i Jagers, Sverker C. (red.), Hållbar utveckling som politik. Om miljöpolitikens grundproblem. Stockholm: Liber.



Sustainable development, environmental politics, environmental discourses, political institutions, multi-level governance, environmental attitudes, environmental behavior, school organization, the didactics of the social science subjects.