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About this programme

Policies and political decisions – made at local and international levels – form and influence the social, economic and environmental world we live in. This programme develops new perspectives of how knowledge production, combined with learning and experiences, can influence societal change through applied studies of societal challenges. You conduct research internship in direct collaboration with surrounding society to move your career forward during your studies. A collaboration between University West in Sweden, University of the Western Cape, an Central University of Technology in South Africa, makes the programme truly international.
Work Integrated Political Studies (WIPS) is a unique two-year international master's programme (120 credits) that leads to an MA degree in Work Integrated Learning with a focus on political studies for societal change. The work integrated applied research approach provides you with training in how to have a direct impact on societal change through your work. This programme is particularly useful for political-economic oriented professions in public administration, non-profits and private corporations, in Sweden as well as internationally.
The programme is given in a campus/hybrid form. Students can enrol and study the programme on campus at University West, or at one of the educational partners connected to the programme, located at Västervik campus, UWC campus, and CUT campus. The programme is not given on-line.

International focus

In this fully English-taught programme, students and staff come from a wealth of different cultures and regions around the world, creating a rich learning environment and student life.
Delivered in close collaboration with the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, South Africa, your programme gives you the opportunity to work on research projects at organisations and institutions in Sweden, South Africa and at other locations around the world.

Work Integrated Learning

University West is the leading university for Work Integrated Learning (WIL). The university was tasked with the development of WIL by the Swedish government 20 years ago and continues to lead the field today. WIL is the practice of moving from academic and theoretical learning to real-world applications within the duration of your programme.
No other international, interdisciplinary programme offers a master's degree in WIL with a specialisation in political studies. Throughout the second year of the programme, you will through a research placement in Sweden or abroad work with NGO’s, institutions, organisations or companies facing real-life challenges. The networks, skills and experiences you gain will be key in your future working life. The research internship project will also be the foundation of your master's thesis, all conducted under the continuous supervision given by the programme staff and internship hosts.


Your international Master's Degree in Work Integrated Political Studies, together with your research internship work experience and networks, enhance advanced employment opportunities in various parts of the public sector, NGO’s and private companies, in Sweden as well as internationally. On graduation, you are prepared for professional work across cultural and national borders to develop, implement and lead projects handling politically and economically oriented issues for societal change.

Further Education

The master's degree enables you to apply for PhD programmes within the subject of Political Science or related fields in Sweden or internationally. University West is the only higher education institution worldwide to offer a unique PhD programme in Work Integrated Learning with specialisation in different fields. The Master in Work Integrated Political Studies is the natural gateway to qualify to apply for PhD studies within WIL at University West.



Avancerad nivå


Kandidatexamen om 180 hp inom det samhällsvetenskapliga fältet, eller motsvarande. Engelska 6 eller motsvarande.






Filosofie masterexamen med huvudområde arbetsintegrerat lärande med inriktning mot politiska studier


HÖST 2024

HÖST 2024




15 april 2024




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Laurence Piper , Linnea Carlsson