Different types of examinations expand_more
Written examination
A timed written examination that takes place in a supervised room at campus. The questions varies depending on the subject that you are studying but it can be pure fact-based questions or more investigative assignments where you should use reasoning in order to answer a question or solve an issue.
Read more about written examinations here.
Take-home examination
A written exam that takes place at home. The assignments in the take-home examination usually requires the student to use reasoning in order to answer a question. You should use the litterature that are included in the curse but you are allowed to use other sources too.
Oral examination
You meet a teacher to discuss the subject to be examined. The discussion can take from 15-20 minutes up to a few hours. The teacher kan require answers on fact-based questions or request you to reason about something. An oral examination can be done individually or in a group.
Written assignment
An assignment that should be solved individually or in a group in the form of a smaller written assignment, project work, quiz or through production of media.
Momerandum, PM
You could get an assignment to write a PM (momerandum) where you reason about a topic. This can also be called an essay or paper.
Laboratory session
The student should have preformed and achived one or more tasks. A laboratory session almost always require that you describe your work and result in the form of a report of some sort. A laboratory session can also be done as a group project.
Group project
The students are devided into groups and together they should sole one or more tasks. The grades, however, are set individually.
Academic paper
Another form of examination is the academic paper. In order to take out some form of academic degree you have to have written an academic paper. These papers are generally pretty extensive and it can take up to a whole semester to write one.
You always have a supervisor (one of the teachers) to support you while you work on the paper. The supervisor help you with advice and comments when it comes to the reasoning and research methods used. When a paper is done it goes through a public discussion, which means that you should be able to recive feedback and answer questions regarding the paper during a seminar. The questions are asked by one or more other students (external reviewers) that have been tasked with publicy discussion and examine your paper.
Time to complete the exam
The time set for the examinations are decided by the examinor and could be from an few hours, days or weeks. Limitation of time for carrying out the examination is always communicated through the course handbook and in connection to the repective task.