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Among the plethora of unforgettable memories, William highlights a ski trip to the Alps with friends from Slovenia and Mexico. A trips that brought together more than 30 exchange students. And recalling his daily life, William cherishes the panoramic view of Lyon from the university Ecam LaSalle and the tips to Louis Vuitton's production facility, where luxury leather bags were produced.

Being an exchange student in Lyon, posed unique challenges. Initially grappling with language barriers in English-taught courses, but William swiftly adapted.

"In the beginning, the language barriers of studying in English were a challenge, but it was just a small challenge, and it did not last that long."

What William will miss the most from, what he calls, this 'peak of life' period, is the bonds forged with friends scattered globally. Despite the physical distance, monthly video meetings keep William and his new friend connected. Lyon, with its cultural richness, vibrant social scene, and proximity to various destinations, leaves an lasting mark.

"I will also miss the superior opportunities for traveling! Apart from school and the activities in Lyon, we visited many other places in France and neighboring countries," he adds.

Advice to other students

In offering advice to prospective exchange students, William urges them to seize the opportunity. He emphasizes, "The experience is incredibly enriching, interesting, and fun. Moreover, chances like this are rare and may not come around again." Encouraging a leap into the unknown, he concludes, "Being able to spend almost half a year abroad without having to work there is something you may not be able to do under normal circumstances. The next opportunity for such an experience might only arise when you are older and retired."

A photo of one of the two rivers in Lyon, this is Saône.

"The picture is taken from the rooftop bar at the Opera building. Me and two Mexican friends."
