Internships at University West
The government has asked all state-run institutions to provide placement for newcomers to Sweden looking for work as well as people with a disability that affects their ability to work. This mandate is commonly called ‘Placement through the State’. The assignment has been extended until December 31, 2023.
The assignment from the government means that each authority shall map and find opportunities to take in trainees, make internships available to the Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) as well as report the number of internships and plans for the State Office. The Employment Service helps with the matching of trainees in dialogue with the employer.
Since spring 2016, University West has offered internships for the two target groups and also offered internships for asylum seekers via the Migration Board's internship program and via the Folkuniversitetets program "Korta Vägen".
The internships provide the trainee with knowledge and experience of working at a government authority, an extended contact network and the opportunity to develop skills in Swedish (for new arrivals) – all are important aspects for a future job.
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