First week
Requirements of the students at the first course or programme start
Although the students are already web-registered, meeting with the students on the first day plays an important function. They receive confirmation that they have been accepted and are in the right hall or forum. As a new student, and perhaps new in the city, there are often many practical things besides the studies that need to be arranged, therefore it helps the students to know what will happen in the first weeks of the education.
Remember to never promise space to students who are not on the course list and never allow students who are not accepted to follow the teaching as it may be perceived as having been given a place. There may be reserves that have a higher ranking on the reserve list. Refer these students to the admission through the Service Center.
Students need to understand the schedule and be able to find in the university's premises
- Where / how do students find their schedule in Canvas, how should this be read and how are schedule changes communicated?
- In which buildings will the students have teaching?
- How do the students find the different rooms in the houses, ie how are the room numbers constructed? Here you will find: Premises on Campus. For premises that students can use for lunch and such, you will find here.
- It is also important that students get information about parking, where the library is located and that they need a Västkort - here are films to show.
Students' need of information during the first weeks of education
In all communication, information needs to be repeated, clarified and deepened in order to be effective, and a certain repetition facilitates both students and teachers. It is also important to make students understand that a lot of information they need to immerse themselves in. As a teacher, you can assist by pointing out the resources that exist and the conditions that apply.
Keep in mind that reserve and late admitted (applicants who made an application for education after the last registration date) students need to receive the same information as the other accepted.
Explain how communication in the course works
A large part of the communication with your students is done digitally, and it is therefore important that you know and can handle the communication options in Canvas. Read more about how you can work with your digital communication at Akademus. Do not take for granted that the students understand how digital communication works; instead, go through how it functions at the first course session. Also, take the opportunity to inform them about how quickly they can expect a response and at what times, so you create realistic expectations and a good working environment for everyone.
Physical meetings and “drop-in”
Keep in mind that you cannot refer students to contact you at your office as they no longer have access to these areas on campus. You will therefore need a strategy for how unscheduled meetings with students should be handled, for example, by extending teaching sessions or having specific times for physical drop-ins in locations outside the department.
For those of you who have students who have VFU
It is important that you inform your students that they need to apply in good time for an extract from the load register, that they themselves have to pay for travel costs, how they get their VFU place and other practical information they need.
Feel free to show the students this page (In Swedish), where they can find useful information about VFU themselves.
Students need a deeper understanding of the course structure
In order to be able to plan their work, understand what is expected and thereby take responsibility for their studies, students need a deeper understanding of the course structure. The following is what you can do to support the students and facilitate yourself.
For courses:
- Do a review of the syllabus and explain central "college terms" in the syllabus
- Explain how learning objectives, work methods / learning activities, examination and assessment are linked in this particular course
- Feedback from previous course evaluations - to increase the motivation of students to complete course evaluations themselves
For programmes:
- Give an idea of what the education can lead to in the form of continued studies and working life, for example through visits by alumni
- Present elements of WIL such as internship / placement (VFU) and opportunities for study abroad
- Review / repeat the communication systems used eg Canvas, Kronox and Ladok learning platform
Student support at University West
By informing about which student support is offered at the university, such as the Library, Language Resource Center, Mattejouren/Math Help Center, FUNKA, Study and Career Guidance (only available in Swedish), Academic Study Coaching and Student Health Service with lectures / workshops / guidance, reduces the risk of students completing their studies.
You can also tip about the Calendar (currently only available in Swedish), where students will find various lectures, events, workshops and courses provided by, among others. Student health during the term. Check out what they offer for the term. Student health can also support students in mental illness related to the study situation.
It is also important that students receive information on:
- What we have for software, so that students get access to the Office package free of charge during their studies
- Show students (preferably with the help of the Library) what databases they can use, how and when