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As an education provider, the higher education institution must take active measures in the areas of admissions and recruitment, examinations and assessments, the study environment, studies and parenthood, as well as teaching methods and organisation. Read more on the Equality Ombudsman's website.

As an employer, the university must take active measures in the areas of working conditions, parenthood and work, salaries and terms of employment, recruitment and promotion, as well as education and skills development. Read more on the Equality Ombudsman's website.

Based on University West's guidelines to prevent harassment, sexual harassment, reprisals and victimisation (see link below), each work unit works with active measures, which include annually mapping, analyzing, addressing and following up risks of discrimination. The work is documented and reported in connection with the annual report.

The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for the university's overall work environment management, which includes equal opportunities. Each work unit and department manager has delegated responsibility for the work environment within their organisation. This includes preventive work and the obligation to investigate and take action in the event of suspicion of discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

All employees and students have a responsibility to treat each other with respect and work for an environment free from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and victimisation. This responsibility includes pointing out any irregularities that come to everyone's attention.

Riktlinjer för att förhindra trakasserier, sexuella trakasserier, repressalier och kränkande särbehandling vid Högskolan Väst.pdf




