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WIL platforms for co-production and utilization

Through a long-term investment in Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) and special WIL platforms for research, utilization and education, the university has succeeded in realizing the idea of contributing to societal benefit. At University West, researchers, teachers, students and work life collaborate all together. In several areas, the same equipment, personnel and premises are shared. In that way we increase cooperation and co-production of competence. Through WIL platforms, joint development for growth and innovations takes place. Currently, we work through the WIL platforms Hälsokademin Väst and Produktionstekniskt centrum, PTC. Also under construction is Kommunakademin Väst - a collaboration arena between the university and the 14 municipalities in the Fyrbodal sub-region. The ambition is for all education and research at the university to have a connection to one or more WIL platforms.


Alexandra Bousiou

Alexandra Bousiou Research advisor Innovationsrådgivare, Innovation Advisor