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Program for parallel sessions

The sessions are divided into 16 themes

  1. Sport, health and bodies
  2. Youth Labour market and unemployment
  3. School, Education and Segregation
  4. Transitions and Family
  5. Interpersonal violence
  6. Risks and risk-taking in everyday life
  7. Social movements and extremism
  8. Youth Cultures and Lifestyles
  9. Virtual Youth Cultures
  10. Youth migration and mobility
  11. Gender, sexuality and identity
  12. Methods and ethics rights in youth studies
  13. Social work with young people
  14. Youth work
  15. Ethnicity and racism
  16. Spaces and styles of participation

Planned sessions

Four parallel sessions are planned.

June 15th, 13.30 – 15.30
June 16th, 10.30 – 12.30
June 16th, 13.30 – 15.30
June 17th, 09.00 – 11.00 


The length of the each parallel session will be two hours. The suggested number of presentations in a session consisting of traditional workshop papers is 3-5. Each presentation will last for approximately 20 minutes. A presentation should include a 15 minute talk and 5 minutes discussion. If a session includes fewer presentations than 5, each presentation will be assigned more time. Each session will have a coordinator. The coordinator will be designated by the Organizing Committee and will be responsible for time compliance.


All posters should be in the A0 vertical format. Posters should include a title, authors’ names and affiliations, a short theoretical background, hypotheses, method, results and conclusions. The title should reflect the content of the poster and match the abstract submission. The text should be brief throughout. Any description of methods should be simple and concise. Individual posters will be exhibited for one day. Each poster occupies one poster board for the entire day. The author will be asked to stand by the poster 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon (during the coffee breaks).

The official language of the conference is English. Both oral presentations and posters shall be in English.
