Andreas de Blanche
Senior lecturer
Ph.D. Computer Science and Engineering
Staff member at Division of Computer engineering and computer science.Research area
Conducts research in natrural sciences, computer and information sciences.Skilled in high performance computing, distributed systems and Bitcoin and blockchain technology, software development, and Lecturing. Andeas de Blanche has a masters degree from the Univeristy of Gothenburgs bussiness school and a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Computer Science and Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology.
He is mainly teaching courses in computer architecture, distributed systems including bitcoin and blockchain technology. He is also a supervisor and examiner for university-, bachelor-, and master thesis degree projects.
Research area/research interestHis early research was on computer simulations and how hardware and scheduling can best be used to suit the requirements of various programs. Nowadays Andreas focus, however, lies mostly on the area of bitcoin and blockchain technology.
Computer science, computer engineering, bitcoin, blockchain technology, high performance computing, co-scheduling, distributed systems.