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A recently published article analyzed the content of 30 research studies on synchronous online teaching (video conferencing/zoom) and identified 24 key competencies that a teacher should strive to develop to succeed in their work. These can, in turn, be grouped into five different roles that a distance teacher needs to assume and master:
·      The instructional role
·      The managerial role
·      The technical role
·      he communicational rol
·      The social role.
In addition to the five roles, online learning teachers need to be aware that developments in the field are rapidly evolving and require constant updates and changed approaches. This necessitates that successful distance learning instructors have a lifelong learning perspective and view their work as an ongoing development, which requires them to stay up-to-date and evaluate new features and tools from a pedagogical perspective.
Read more in the article:
Grammens, M., Voet, M., Vanderlinde, R., Declercq, L., & De Wever, B. (2022). A systematic review of teacher roles and competencies for teaching synchronously online through videoconferencing technology. Educational Research Review, 100461.
