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The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) highlights collaborative learning (SI) in its latest update of the Swedish-English glossary. But what does SI and collaborative learning mean, really?

SI-pass is a voluntary complement to regular instruction, where organized study sessions are scheduled 1-2 times a week for traditionally demanding courses. These SI sessions are led by a student who has successfully completed the course. 

As a teacher, you can learn to better understand and support SI in  courses and programs by taking a course together with SI Supervisors. In the supervisor training, participants learn about what SI-PASS entails, how it functions, and the implementation of SI-PASS at an educational institution (including budgeting, selecting appropriate courses, recruiting and training SI leaders, program follow-up, and evaluation). The European Center for SI-PASS offers supervisor training multiple times per year.

You can learn more about SI at or find a course and register at the European Center for SI-PASS.

Do you have any questions about SI and want to discuss what SI could add to you course, feel free to contact
