Work trainee
The project will increase the students' connection to working life during education by transforming existing courses to be fully or partially performed at the company.
The project has three overall phases:
1. Development: during this phase tasks will be translated into course objectives. Company-specific assignment packages will be created and linked to the respective course and learning objectives.
2. Implementation: the model will be tested within at least two different courses and at two different universities and the students will carry out the workplace-based learning with at least two different employers.
3. Evaluation: this phase continues throughout the project and is based on constantly evaluating efforts and processes, in order to formalize a model that can be implemented in education.
Research Area
- Teknik
- Produktionsteknik
Research environment / Institution
- Produktionsteknik
- Primus (KK-miljö)
- Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap
Project leader
Research Partner
- IUC Väst
- Handelskammaren
Research funding
- Vinnova
Project time
2023 - 2025