Common to the Swedish industry partners is machining, chip forming, surface finishing, tool wear, process robustness and cost. Some aluminium adheres to the tool which results in tool breaks, poor surface quality and high costs due to high tool wear, as one is forced to use substandard cutting data, which results in reduced productivity. The project will deliver a turnkey solution for cryogenic cooling in combination with a new cutting tool design for improved heat transfer to the cryogenic refrigerant.
Eureka European Smart Project in collaboration with Spain and Turkey investigating Cryogenic Assisted Machining of Advanced Alloys.
Swedish Partners – AC Floby and Hydro
Spain Partners – Danobat, IK4-Ideko, Mondragon University and Zubilo.
Turkish Partners – Norm Fastners
Sweden is funded by Vinnova.
Research Area
- Teknik
- Produktionsteknik
- Avverkande och additiva tillverkningsprocesser
Research environment / Institution
- Produktionsteknik
- Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap
Project leader
Participants University West
- Andreas Gustafsson
- Nageswaran Tamil Alagan
Research Partner
Research funding
- Vinnova
Project time
2019 - 2022