Understanding of Laser Welding Phenomena
The aim of this research project is to develop and verify a model for laser welding of Alloy 718 and Haynes® 282®.
By using simulation to investigate the influence of process parameters on the laser weld pool, within stipulated process windows, it allows for optimization of certain geometrical constraints. In this way material configuration and combinations can be selected to optimize e.g. strength, which in turn results in lower weight and lower fuel consumption and less environmental impact.
The elaborated manufacturing method provides the prerequisites for better quality and lowered cost. Swedish aero-engine industry is today focusing on fabricated load carrying static structures allowing a more flexible design and manufacturing. The development of the manufacturing method and its automation require a comprehensive understanding of the complete process. The purpose of the project is to gain deeper process understanding and thus optimization capability.
Research Area
- Produktionsteknik
- Svetsteknik
Research environment / Institution
- Produktionsteknik
- Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap
Participants University West
- Josefine Svenungsson
- Isabelle Choquet
Research Partner
- Luleå Tekniska universitet
Research funding
- Vinnova
Project time
2013 - 2018