Fatiha Djebbar
Senior lecturer
Associate professor
Staff member at Division of Computer engineering and computer science.During her doctoral studies, Fatiha Djebbar''''s research focused on developing algorithms for data security utilizing information hiding techniques and exploring proposals for algorithms employing Machine Learning (ML) to detect hidden data. Following the completion of her PhD, she extended her work to include developing robust steganography-based algorithms for securing data transmission within Internet of Things (IoT) settings. Furthermore, she diversified her research to include cyber resiliency modeling for critical infrastructure, with a focus on assessing its adaptive and restorative capabilities. Concurrently, she worked on challenges associated with cyber standards compliance.
Recently, her research interest has developed to encompass the integration of AI into cybersecurity, especially in areas such as data preservation in industrial IoT, streamlining security requirements in cybersecurity standards, malware detection and deepfake combating using steganography.