Research area/research interest
Kristina Johansson has a PhD in Education with a specialization in adult learning and she is a Senior Lecturer in Education at University West. Furthermore she is the assistant research director of LINA (Working in and for the New Workplace).
Her research currently concerns "the millennium generation", i.e. students born between 1980 and 2000. They are considered by many to be the most demanding and spoiled generation ever. This is mainly because they make high demands on the educational quality and look for support and service during their studies. Earlier generations are regarded as more characterized by curiosity and a greater respect for knowledge and the universities' importance for society. The study aims to investigate what characterizes the student of today.
Kristina Johansson is also participating in an international research collaboration concerning work integrated learning, WIL. Researchers at University West, Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg and the University of Waterloo in Canada are going to study the differences between WIL study programmes and other study programmes, what the students stand to gain from WIL and how WIL can be developed.
Kristina Johansson defended her doctoral thesis Broad entrance - vague exit - the trajectory of political science students through higher education into work life at Linköping University in 2007. It describes how future political scientists are formed in their professional role during their education. In the beginning, their visions regarding the profession are quite ambitious. They imagine that they will be asked to be experts on democracy on TV or become high-flyers in the EU. They however gain a more realistic picture of their future work pretty soon. They also acquire useful knowledge in compiling documentation and in writing analytical texts, exactly the type of competency required in their future work as investigators etc.
I teach and supervise on all levels, but with an emphasis on master and PhD level.
Work integrated learning, Transition from Higher Education to Work Life, The New Student, Millenium generation & Curricula Design.