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How on-line information concerning "ADHD" is presented to parents in USA was the start of this research project. We analyzed the document "What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, ADD)?" published on the website of National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH). For example, how argumentation is constructed, how words are selected and how alternative perspectives become excluded. NIMH presents perceived difficulties with inattentiveness and hyperactivity as caused by an innate dysfunction that affects the child as well as those in his or her vicinity. The child is not perceived as a unique individual but as a representative of a disorder. A circular argumentation is established; "ADHD" is defined according to the presence of particular behaviours and thereafter these behaviours are understood as created by "ADHD" and contextual factors are ignored.

Participating researchers at University West

Soly Erlandsson
Linda Lundin

Other researchers

Elisabeth Punzi, University of Gothenburg


Erlandsson, S. Lundin, L. & Punzi, E. (2016). A discoursive analysis concerning information on "ADHD" presented to parents by the National Institute of Mental Health (USA). Int J Qual Stud Health & Well-being, 11: 30938 

Guest editorial

Erlandsson, S. & Punzi, E. (2016). Challenging the ADHD consensus. In J Qual Stud Health & Well-being, 11: 31124 


Soly Erlandsson

Soly Erlandsson Senior Professor

Linda Lundin

Linda Lundin Senior Lecturer