Advanced Project in Development of Master Programme in Welding (M-WELD)
The development of the advanced master's program in Production Technology with specialisation in Welding Technology (MWELD) project aims to develop a 2-year Master's programme covering a wide range of topics such as welding technology-related areas, welding-based AM, materials sciences, quality assurance is planned to start in autumn 2023.
The two-year master's programme (120 credits), including the International Welding Engineer (IWE) qualification, is entirely related to University West's production technology research activities and specifically in the welding Technology (Svetsteknologi) division. The programme aims to strengthen the university's position within the field of education, improve the supply of advanced expertise and development of the business sector and contribute toward a more robust integration of research and teaching at the university.
Research Area
- Teknik
- Produktionsteknik
Research environment / Institution
- Produktionsteknik
- Primus (KK-miljö)
- Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap
Project leader
Research funding
- KK-Stiftelsen
Project time
2023 - 2025