H2RAM - H2 embrittlement of Rocket Engine Components made with AM powder bed
This project aims to increase understanding of how, and why, hydrogen embrittlement and its various mechanisms occur.
Implementation of Additive Manufacturing (AM) with laser and powder bed technology (LB-PBF) of the Ni-based superalloy Alloy718 for the manufacture of rocket engine components provides benefits through reduced material consumption and reduced costs. Difficulties with the implementation of AM are often linked to high demands on material properties and quality. Furthermore, the hydrogen environment to which the rocket engine components are exposed risks greatly reducing their functionality. Hydrogen can significantly shorten the life of critical components of the rocket engine via various types of embrittlement mechanisms, which partly depend on the microstructure of the material.
Previous research work at University West has shown the possibility that based on a special choice of process parameters, it is possible to vary the microstructure in additively manufactured Alloy718 so that the microstructure can be varied in different parts in the same built detail.
Research Area
- Teknik
- Produktionsteknik
Research environment / Institution
- Produktionsteknik
- Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap
Project leader
Research Partner
- GKN Aerospace
Research funding
- Rymdstyrelsen
Project time
2022 - 2026