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ADAPT-EBM stands for ADvAnced Process developmenT of Electron Beam Melting of titanium for manufacturing of future aero-engine parts. 

Implementation of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) process Electron Beam Melting (EBM) with titanium for manufacturing of structural aero engine components, such as fittings for mounting the composite guide vanes in fan structures, enables potential for a high reduction in material waste and cost.

The main challenge for implementing EBM as a manufacturing technology for aerospace applications are high demands on the EBM manufactured material properties and quality. Lack of deeper process knowledge leads to significant variation in the material microstructure, which affects the mechanical properties. Defects, rough surfaces and coarse microstructure all risk to degrade mechanical properties. All these aspects will be targeted in this project.

This project aims at increasing the understanding of how process parameters influence the formation of such coarse microstructure of EBM samples with a very rough surface as well as surface and sub-surface defects by exploring the relationship between process parameters - microstructure/defects/surface roughness - mechanical properties.

With support from ARCAM, who manufactures the EBM machine, and AIM who is the most experienced EBM user in Sweden, a new state-of-the-art EBM equipment was installed in May 2019 at GKN's facility in Production Technology Centre (PTC) in Trollhättan. This machine will be used to manufacture Ti-6Al-4V test material for this project, which will be analyzed in order to identify the key process parameters to achieve a smooth surface and a desired microstructure suitable for superior performance.

This work includes mechanical testing, post processing and metallographic investigation, which are key activities within the ADAPT-EBM project and will be conducted by the PhD students involved in the project. The PhD student will be enrolled at University West and will be working at PTC, where both academic and company supervisors work.

Research Area

  • Produktionsteknik

Research environment / Institution

  • Produktionsteknik
  • Primus (KK-miljö)
  • Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap

Project leader

Research Partner

  • GKN Aerospace
  • Arcam AB
  • AIM

Research funding

  • Vinnova

Project time

2019 - 2022


Robert Pederson

Robert Pederson Professor