Additive manufacturing with powder as an additive
This project is a pilot study which will serve as input to the NFFP 7 research program in evaluating the potential in cooperation with research partners in UK.
The actual project aim to study the process stability and its influence on material defects and to some extent also mechanical properties. The alloys and process of interest are Alloy 718, Carpenter 2169 and selective laser melting (powder bed), respectively. The powder bed method has great potential in product development and manufacturing of complex parts for aerospace and space industries. The powder bed method has less environmental impact in comparison with conventional manufacturing methods, especially in terms of less materials usage in relation.
The powder bed also enable a more complex geometry compared to what has earlier been possible to achieve with conventional processes such as forging and machining. The project is co-funded by the NFFP- and NRFP- research programs which make it possible to take on a PhD-student within the project.
Research Area
- Teknik
- Produktionsteknik
- Svetsteknik
Research environment / Institution
- Produktionsteknik
- Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap
Participants University West
Research Partner
Research funding
- Vinnova
Project time
2015 - 2017