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The vision within the area of electric driveline at University West supports the overall vision; "University West is a driving force within society, working together with the surrounding community to create knowledge and to make this knowledge accessible to a wider audience". The strategy further communicates that all educational programmes shall be available for campus students and be offered fully online or distance learning centers. The overall aim of this suggested project is to strengthen the international position of the area Electric Driveline as a focus area in building up a complete academic environment. Hence, we here apply for funding to develop three international online courses to the new master program, 'Master in Electric Vehicle Engineering' to be held in spring 2022. The courses will be developed in modules that also are planned to be given as independent courses open for professionals.


  • Teknik

Forskningsmiljö / Institution

  • Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap



  • KK-Stiftelsen


2021 - 2022

Senast uppdaterad