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About the conference

This is the 5th Conference on Cracking Phenomena in Welding and Additive Manufacturing that follows four successful events in 2004, 2007, 2010, and 2014.

The purpose of the conference is to gather international experts to discuss cracking phenomena associated with welding and additive manufacturing, from both a scientific and practical standpoint.

Topics include solidification and liquation cracking, ductility-dip cracking, reheat and stress-relief cracking, hydrogen-induced cracking, weldability testing, simulation and modeling, measurement and quantification, and remedial measures.

Peer-reviewed proceedings of the workshop will be published. Proceedings from previous conferences have been highly cited and are valuable resources for engineers and scientists.

Keynote speakers & program

Six top notch keynote speakers are confirmed. Read more! 
Take part of the conference program!

For whom?

Academics and industrial researchers to present and highlight their most recent findings in the field. Of course, we also welcome attendants who do not intend to present, but who have a genuine interest in the cracking phenomena!

Submission of full-manuscripts

For authors who had their abstract accepted, the deadline for full-manuscript is 30th April 2025.
Send your manuscript via e-mail: .
The template for the full paper can be downloaded from Springer at this link: 
The authors using Word should use the “Word template for book chapters” and the authors using LaTeX, should use the “LaTeX template for contributed works”.


University West is located in the city of Trollhättan, Sweden. The town is beautifully situated along the Göta River and has a rich history of industry and innovation and is today home to many large, medium and small manufacturing companies. Getting here!

How much?

The registration fee is 3500 SEK (300 Euro) which includes a copy of the proceedings, lunches, a cocktail reception and post-workshop tour. The fee for students who are currently enrolled at a university is 1750 SEK (150 Euro).


The conference registration is open from 7th July, 2024. An invitation letter for visa applications is available upon request.
Register now!


See our recommendation!

Social events 

The Conference Dinner will take place on Thursday 13th of March in the evening.
The lab tour to the Production Technology Center will take place on Friday 14th of March after lunch

Conference committee

Prof. Emeritus John C. Lippold (The Ohio State University, USA)
Prof. Carolin Fink (The Ohio State University, USA)
Dr. Elin M. Westin (voestalpine Böhler Welding, Austria)
Prof. Maria Asuncion Valiente Bermejo (University West, Sweden)


Please contact Maria Asuncion Valiente Bermejo,


University West is hosting the conference this year, and The Ohio State University, voestalpine Böhler Welding and the International Institute of Welding are co-organizing.

Logotyp Böhler Welding          The Ohio State University logo      University West logotype       Logo International Institute of Welding


3 sponsorers loggor Cracking conference 2025ESABs logotype


University West logotype

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