Jim Andersén
Anställd på Avdelningen för företagsekonomi.Jim Andersén is a full professor at the School of Business, Economics and IT. He received his PhD in industrial economics and organization from Mälardalen University in 2005 and has held full professorships at Umeå University and the University of Skövde.
His research interests are primarily focused on strategic management, specifically on resource-based theory (RBT) and areas related to RBT, such as strategic human capital, resource orchestration, the natural resource-based view, and strategic entrepreneurship.
He has published in several highly regarded peer-reviewed journals, including Human Resource Management (US), Technovation, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Journal of Management Reviews, International Small Business Journal, and Organization and Environment.
For a full list of his publications, please visit: Google Scholar.
He is currently managing two externally funded research projects at University West: