Sustainable production through laboratories for material characterization
The aim of the project is to strengthen innovation processes, competence maintenance and knowledge within sustainable production within manufacturing companies in the regional area.
The full title of this project is "Sustainable production through laboratories for material characterization at research and innovation arena Production Technology Centre".
This will be provided for by complementary equipment and experienced researchers within the area of material characterization and related instrumentation.
Laboratory and research for material characterization is an important area and will complement present ongoing research. Specifically, areas of interest include process control and in-process monitoring and control to improve quality and product performance. The overall goal is to recruit researchers on an international level which will contribute to research in production technology and sustainable technologies in the framework of industries in VGR.
The project is part of several initiatives aiming at enhancing our research as well as international visibility. This include international mobility (MoRE), to develop a research environment at University West with support from the KK foundation, research collaboration with Chalmers through Prosam (VGR), and other initiatives on a strategic level. MAPLAB will work together with industries and perform research that can be developed through demonstrators and later on implemented in industry.
- Teknik
- Produktionsteknik
Forskningsmiljö / Institution
- Produktionsteknik
- Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap
Medverkande Högskolan Väst
- Mikael Ericsson
- Tomas Beno
- Ana Catarina Ferreira Magalhães
- Jeroen De Backer
- Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Västra götalandsregionen VGR
- EU, övrigt - (strukturfonder, socialfonder, Europeiskt territoriellt samarbete Interreg)
2010 - 2018