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Efterlevnad av cybersäkerhet, 2,5 hp
Cybersecurity standards provide a structured approach to manage and assess cybersecurity risks. They are the primary source for security requirements and controls used by organizations to reduce the likelihood and the impact of cybersecurity attacks. However, the large number of available cybersecurity standards and frameworks make the selection of the right security standards for a specific system challenging. Organizations must navigate this complexity by choosing the most fitting security controls tailored to their specific needs, aiming to streamline and clarify the compliance process.
This course offers a comprehensive overview of cybersecurity policies and standards, highlighting the significance of cyber policies and emphasizing the challenges inherent in complying with cybersecurity standards. Furthermore, it explores how connected devices and networks attain a baseline security level in accordance to evolving cybersecurity standards.
Industry and academia
This course has been developed in collaboration with industry within the framework of one of our educational projects. The project aims to provide courses at advanced level to a mix of students and professionals in order to strengthen the competitiveness of Swedish industry.
We apply validation of work experience to see if you have knowledge that meets the eligibility requirements for the course. Don't forget to attach your CV if you are applying based on your work experience, the form is available on our website
Avancerad nivå
Godkända kurser om 90 hp inom ämnesområdet teknik varav minst 15 hp på nivå 61-90 hp eller motsvarande, inklusive minst 2,5 hp i cybersäkerhet eller motsvarande.
15 april 2024
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